I don't have any APRS / internet tracking available today..... I brought the radio kit in to reprogram the temperature sensor offset and when I reinstalled it, again due to the magnificence of my mental acuity, I forgot to connect the antenna. I only noticed the dangling antenna cable AFTER I got back home, of course.
Yesterday I skipped riding altogether since I felt a bit "Whupped" after Monday and Tuesday's rides.
Today I was determined to get an early start, so when I woke up to pee at 5:50 I stayed up instead of going back to bed.I had hoped to hit the road by about 7 AM but it was closer to 8:00 by the time I got out of the gate. I also again forgot my handlebar-vid-cam, which I sorely missed since I had several dingbats pass me well within my "discomfort zone". When I get offenders on video feed, their license plate numbers get reported to the federales, and the police too.
I thought I'd try repeating a ride I've done maybe 3 times before: North-14 to the mining ghost town of Golden, which is about 14 miles distant. I'd forgotten how nice it is to ride this route and enjoy the feeling of wide open spaces and sparse traffic. North 14 is labeled as the "Turquoise Trail" on most scenic maps because it passes through ancient mining country, and goes through the ghost towns of Golden, Cerrillos, and Madrid. This road bisects the Ortiz Mountains southeast of Santa Fe, where small mining operations still exist involving turquoise, garnets, and other precious and semiprecious materials. Even though designated a scenic byway, it still has a low traffic rate. There are some fairly steep hills to climb going toward Santa Fe, but between Sandia Park and Golden the hills are fairly tame. The metropolis of Golden has little to recommend it: There are perhaps six houses still occupied there and the Henderson General Store, displaying antiques and selling turquoise and silver jewelry, a few collapsed houses and mining offices that have been picked clean. But it's a good place for me to ride to and turn around. I actually rode clear through Golden today, getting a preliminary "feel" for my eventual day bike trip of going all the way to Madrid, which is 13 more miles past Golden and involving several long and steep climbs. As I started realizing I was going to keep dropping a long way downhill north of "town", and that I would have to climb it coming back, I turned around when the GPS indicated slightly over 15 elapsed miles. Imagine my chagrin, when I got home, to find TWENTY-NINE miles listed on the GPS, a bit shy of the 30-plus miles one might expect from riding out past 15 miles and turning around and coming back the same way. "GPS accuracy".... guess it's turning into a bit of an oxymoron.
Beginning Battery Voltage and Ending Voltage: Unknown, since telemetry radio was unplugged
Lowest Temp and Highest Temp: Unknown for the same reason
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 29.66
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
7.0 MPH 9.2 MPH 31.9 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
4 hours 12 mins 3 hours 12 mins 1 hour
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