Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Grocery Ride

Today's North-14 APRS Tracking
Jacque decided she wanted to ride down to the Triangle Grocery in Cedar Crest to get some sweet corn roasting ears with which to feed our missionaries  tonight.   So I decided to ride with her.
The heat wasn't too bad at first and we stopped often for water breaks so things went pretty well.
We stopped at the San Antonito Post Office (called Sandia Park by the real estate folks) to pick up our mail and then rode on.  Jacque left first since I normally catch up to her quickly from behind but I dilly-dallied a bit before taking off and after topping the hill and passing the Triangle Shell station I rode another half mile or so, still not seeing Jacque ahead of me and wondering if she had pulled off somewhere or just gotten way ahead.  A few minutes later the cell phone rang and it was Jacque, taking a break at the Shell station and drinking her iced lemonade inside the deli area.  I turned around and rode back to meet her, getting a seldom sampled small diet coke to drink beside her.  Again she left before I did and got a ways ahead, and it took me 10 or 15 minutes to catch her this time.   I rode on up over Marco Polo Hill and down to the Triangle Grocery and she pulled in behind me only 5 or 10 minutes behind me.  I located their "facilities" and Jacque located their sweet corn and we were ready to go again in a few short minutes.
Just shy of the pavement of Frost Road intersecting our goat-path, we had noticed a foul dead-animal odor going out.  When I got close to there on the return trip I stopped to wait in the shade for Jacque and was again assailed by the stench of rotting flesh.  I looked around a bit to see if a rabbit or other critter had met an untimely demise and found, instead, the remains of a large white dog with a brown face who evidently had  been dumped and his carcass dragged around by coyotes or other scavengers.  I plan to crank up the tractor and go down there and dig him a sizable hole wherein to bury him, not only to help alleviate the smell but to prevent further desecration of the poor guy's body.
When Jacque arrived (she had parked her Ford Exploder at the bottom of our goat-path) she seemed OK until she dismounted her trike and suddenly started trembling and complaining about dizziness.  When she seemed about ready to keel over I finally convinced her to pour some cold water over her head and drink some as well.  This accomplished a dramatic and rapid improvement and she was able to start up the SUV and go on up the hill toward home.  I pushed and rode the rest of the way up hill and dale and got home in normal fashion.
We need to start such trips MUCH earlier in the day when it's cooler.....
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   --    Ending Voltage: 12.7
Lowest Temp:   87 F                 Highest Temp:  92 degrees F
Spoiler Alert:  The following is an example of how a berserk GPS can lie to you:
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:     1667.63
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
667 MPH                              1008 MPH                   32.1 MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
2 hours 22 mins                      1 hour  39 mins         52 minutes

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