Tracking via GPS, APRS, and Ham Radio
Jacque was too busy building a quilt for a brand new baby born this morning so I rode off by my ownself.
Nothing spectacular, of course, just the usual 10 miles or so to work the kinks out and leave enough time to lay under the RV and reinstall a few more brackets and bolts in my "Yard-Art Project".
There seemed to be no wind at all today, so I instead enjoyed what little breeze I could work up myself by pedaling through the unusually still air. Very nice and sunny and about as perfect a temperature as a cyclist could hope for. I again took no doggies for the ride today so I received little attention or affection from passing motorists.... But no close calls, which is always a blessing.
I thought to get home earlier than usual and didn't dally except for a couple of brief rest / water breaks. However, just before I was to turn off the pavement for our rocky rutted mile-long goatpath to the house..... fortunately or unfortunately, I spotted Grandpa Joe, my near neighbor, sitting out on his porch taking in the late morning calm. Since he is such a good hearted and generous neighbor, I felt I had to stop and visit with him at least for a little while. He is no spring chicken, although he works like a prize rooster all the time. He had not been out and about recently due to a recent operation and mandated recuperation. We enjoyed shooting the bull and I found I had spent far more than the hoped-for "Couple of Minutes" I had bargained for.
Then, when I arrived home, I remembered all our trash cans were full so I had to forgo RV rescue operations and haul trash to the local transfer station instead.
Ride Started: 10:20 AM Ride Ended: 12:19 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8 Ending Voltage: 13.1
Lowest Temp 78 F Highest Temp: 87 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.56
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 8.4 MPH 29.2 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 58 mins 1 hour 15 mins 43 minutes
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