Very Spotty Track, Power Blinked Off the Igate
Well, the RV is running... but not very usable. It eats coolant, so it is headed for the trade-in lot or the junkyard or as-is on Ebay or whatever.
Anyone interested in a cheap living arrangement on real estate of your choice kindly leave a message. It runs cool long enough to get it anywhere within 100 miles or so under its own steam, pun sorta not intended.
So we celebrated by taking an extra long ride today.
Actually, I had a Doctor's appointment in Albuquerque today at 11 AM, and had I thought just the least bit ahead I would have used it for an excuse to get in a REALLY long ride all the way from home to the doc's office, which I have done before.... but since it's 30-something miles away it takes me almost 3 hours to get there on the bike, and by the time I realized I shoulda, it was too late. I had to jump in the gas burner to make it on time, and even then I was several minutes late.
The Doc didn't chew me out about being late, however. He chewed me out for the long list of high blood glucose readings my pump confessed to when he read its memory. Wants me to attend some insulin pump training sessions and all that. Been there, done that, but doctor's orders, after all.... plus he wants more biking. I'm up for that, too, but I will have to get serious about riding the bike more often and for longer distances.
So we started today. Again, actually, Jacque started it.... whilst I was frittering away precious time at the doctor's, she took off by herself to ride her Recumbent Catrike . By the time I got home she was almost to the Post Office but accepted my offer to saddle up MY bike and meet her at the snack, er, that is, Shell Station.
She was having such a good time riding under her own steam she just wanted to keep going, so we did. Even though it was by then late afternoon, it didn't seem overly hot and the prevailing breezes, both coming and going, helped keep us from overheating.
At one of our shady spots along the frontage of Frost Road we encountered a friendly female walker who was full of questions about the weird looking contraptions we were riding. Jacque told her quite a bit about the Catrike and, to the lady's surprise, insisted she hop aboard and take it for a ride. We waited in our shady spot while she rode, and I took the opportunity to check my blood glucose and eat a snack to bring it back up over the 100 mark. These trikes are addictive: They are fun to drive and more like sporty-vehicles than what one normally thinks of in a "Trike". I wouldn't be the least surprised if this lady didn't become a Catrike owner in the near future. Too bad we don't get any commissions on such demos. Two Wheel Drive in ABQ does give us some nice discounts on our parts and other purchases though.....
Ride Started: 2:22 PM Ride Ended: 6:15 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.1
Lowest Temp 94 F Highest Temp: 101 F (Whew!)
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 19.41
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.5 MPH 8.4 MPH 27.5 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
4 hours 16 mins 2 hours 18 mins 1 hour 57 minutes
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