Friday night we stopped and stayed the night at Gooseneck State Park in southern Utah.
What's "Gooseneck State Park"? You might ask? I never heard of it either until Jacque was told of it while stopped in the bustling metropolis of Bluff, Utah. It turned out to be one of those lesser-known wonders of the world: Supposedly the longest "River Meander" in North America, where the San Juan Rivers flows in oxbow-fashion or gooseneck-fashion for 6 miles while progressing only 2 actual miles south towards its eventual confluence with the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon. The cliffs and walls of this stretch of river almost equal the Grand Canyon in their size and awesomeness.
Friday evening we walked almost a half mile or more around some of the bends in the canyon-tops but Saturday morning we unloaded the trike and rode IT around the rocky paths. In spite of its extremely low clearance, only a couple inches in the middle, we managed to steer around most of the larger crags and rocks and ridges in the goat-path and, though very slow, made better time and exerted less effort than walking the same distance. AND, thankfully, avoided any noticeable damage to the trike..... not even any shredded tires or flats.
Later on as we approached Mexican Hat on Route 191, we were awestruck when we spotted the source for the name "Mexican Hat" -- a very tall rock formation with what looks almost exactly like a sombrero, upside down, on the tippy-top. The side road leading to it was dirt and gravel, and not being familiar with it, we did NOT want to take the huge lumbering RV and trailer down that-a-way. So we pulled into a gravel pull-out across the roadway and unlimbered our trusty trike, already off-road-proven, and rode IT down the gravel road to a nearby position where we took the inevitable selfies with the Stone Sombrero in the background. Will post picture(s) when we get to an area with decent wifi and cell coverage so we can transfer pictures more easily between smartphones.
Also we got no tracking coverage either place today. Either no ham radio coverage is in these areas or my antenna's broke again or something...
Ride Started: 11:45 AM Ride Ended: 1:00 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.1 Ending Voltage: 12.8
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 2.77
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.6 MPH 5.0 MPH 16.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
42 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes
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