Today's Quality Tracking via APRS and Ham Radio
We're parked in the RV up here in Utah visiting relatives and enjoying very balmy and/or rainy October weather.
My sis went for a trike ride with me after church on Sunday, and rainy weather has eaten up much of the available time for cycling around the countryside since. Jacque has stayed busy sewing up a storm, of course, with her battery/inverter powered Brother sewing machine.
Today is Wednesday and mostly sunny and...... Jacque ran out of sewing thread. We could have waited for our brother-in-law Bill to get home so we could borrow his car, but it was too ripe an excuse to go for a trike ride.
The ride was only a few miles but fraught with cars and construction. Fortunately, it seems Utah drivers are even friendlier and more tolerant than our New Mexican variety.... and most Utah streets, even in the smaller towns, are nice and wide with more than enough room for bikes even with no stripes or labeled lanes. We find riding on the roadways thus much easier than trying to navigate the complex curb-laden crossbar-blocked so-called bike paths.
Riding the almost car-less side streets was quite pleasant, until we had to get up on Main Street and ride across the construction zone over I-15 - with no shoulder whatsoever. Crossing was made easier for us this trip because for some odd reason the traffic stopped behind us and left about a third of a mile of clear road behind us. Then when we arrived at our Joann's Fabric Store destination, there was shade to park in AND a huge swath of lush green grass for the dogs to pee in. Which is a Wonderful Thing.
Both doggies are wonderful ice-breakers with little kids and adults alike. Jazzy is especially endearing what with her penchant for running left and right, leaping with joy as she bounds about like a happy-go-lucky jackrabbit with wings.
Before we knew it jacque was done with her threadbare shopping and we rode across the street to another shopping plaza and then returned to my sister's place.
The construction's yellow cones had this side of the roadway blocked off, forcing normally 4-lane traffic into 2 lanes.... leaving us a clear path about 20 yards wide all the way across the freeway. Which was great as long as it lasted. Which was quite a while.
With streets and boulevards as wide as these we're surprised so few other cyclists are on the road.
Ride Started: 10:26 AM Ride Ended: 12:37 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.1
Lowest Temp 53 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.92
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.2 MPH 5.6 MPH 25.9 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 10 mins 1 hour 14 mins 55 minutes
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