Today's Tracking
Again, I've done more actual bike/trike riding than blogging about it - Which isn't to say that I've been doing a whole lot of either.
Today presented the perfect excuse for a ride: DUTY and HONOR.
Well, maybe a little of duty and nothing to do with honor, but it sounded righteous.
I had a mission truck in the body shop for a bumper repair (The Teenage Missionary Driver called and told me "I was driving along a narrow dirt road and somehow hit a post...." So, the current office joke is the old gag about how a Post Jumped Out Into The Middle of the Road.
Anyway, Lyle Wagy's crew at "A Dent Express" did a 2-day turnaround on a front bumper repair, about average for their speedy service philosophy. If you have hail damage or a fender bender, you should check with them first for repairs.
Commercial over. They called and told me this pickup was repaired and ready so I decided to ride my "new" Catrike up there and throw it in the back of the truck for the return trip. I stuck a temporary ham radio tracker on the trike and took off.
Even though it was a bit warmish today, it was a great 3-something miles.
Then, when I got it back to the office, I finally broke my trike-chain and added about 6 inches to it so I could access all 27 speeds (27 or 21? I'll have to count the cassette gears to make sure sometime).
Of course, in spite of careful sizing and measuring, I couldn't get the chain done in one operation. I found it was now a bit too long, allowing chain drag, in the largest gears on each end of the chain, so I had to take one pair of links out and now it seems to work just fine.
Of course, on my trial ride, I realized the front shifter cable was frayed down to one or two strands, almost snapped in two, and until I get THAT fixed, I still can't access all my gears.
No biggie, I carry various lengths of shifter and brake cable in my pannier tool bag. I'll do it tomorrow or maybe over the weekend. I worked on it until well after dark and I'm tired. Maybe Manana.
Ride Started: 3:41 PM Ride Ended: 4:33 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.8
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.3 MPH 8.0 MPH 19 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
47 minutes 47 minutes 0 minutes
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