Thursday 29 September Tracking
I awoke about 5:26 AM today and immediately thought "BIKE RIDE!"
A few dozen winks later, the bed was feeling awfully comfortable, but I managed to get my lazy butt out anyway.
As usual, I was glad I did. I had a middling headache when I first started out, but it didn't take more than a mile or two of wind in my face to clear it up and start to feel like a million bucks.
My 2-wheeled recumbent and my new Catrike are both safely secured at home 20 miles away so the only thing I have left to ride is my 30-year-old DF Diamond Back mountain bike or our 3-wheel Tandem Recumbent Terratrike , and I unfailingly prefer the recumbent in spite of its length and weight. It's a fun ride and good exercise even without Jacque in the back seat stoking for me.
By the time I got rolling it was a bit after 6 AM so I decided to ride out for half an hour and turn around, making at least an hour ride this morning, which is still enough to get the old ticker and circulation going.
It feels like a million bucks, too, once I get out of the shower and stagger off to work.
My GoPro camera batteries are going soft on me: If I leave them out of the charger more than 1 day, they have little charge left in them and poop out after only a few minutes of running the camera. I guess I need to spend some more money, again, to see if I can get some reliable batteries for this expensive toy.
Not much to comment on this morning. Weather was noticeably warmer, about 62 degrees, which is great for cycling. Cool enough to eventually work up a mild sweat, without the necessity of starting out with the outer windbreaker on. Since I again, as usual, had limited time, I rode only to Paseo Del Norte on the North Diversion Trail before turning around and hightailing it back to the shower.
Tomorrow, Friday, I'll be tied up from the wee hours until late or mid afternoon, so no bike ride to cheer me up tomorrow....
Ride Started: 6:05 AM Ride Ended: 7:05 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.1 Ending Voltage: 12.7 Lowest: 12.2
Lowest Temp 60 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6:94
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.7 MPH 7.9 MPH 19.4 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 2 mins 52 minutes 10 minutes
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