Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tons of Commuters Going to Work, Oh My

Today's marginal tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

Well, I skipped yesterday but got going a bit earlier this morning to make up for it.
I awoke a little after 5 AM this morning and instead of enjoying that last half hour of sleep I got up and went for a bike ride.
I had barely gotten up on the pavement of eastbound Frost Road when I encountered someone rooting and tooting at me....
Unfortunately, though I have looked at this clip repeatedly, I have no idea who this was.  I don't recall anyone I know driving a big white Ford pickup, but I certainly enjoyed the pleasant greeting.
Unlike the last few days, today had not a cloud in the sky and I was glad to have slathered up with sunblock before taking off. It was not overly cool even though the morning was quite young.
At this hour, however, the commuter traffic was quite a bit heavier than I usually experience.
Literally hundreds of commuters passed me at speed on their way to Sandia Lab and Kirtland Air Force
Base, the two major employers of this outer suburbia.
For one stretch around today's loop, there was no shoulder whatsoever, and after a bit of high speed downhill coasting, I could hear a vehicle rumbling slowly behind me.   I spotted a bit of shoulder ahead and pulled off to let him by, and behold:
He had a passel of cars stacked up behind HIM.  Unlike some cyclists, I don't like to block vehicular traffic unless I'm trapped where I cannot get out of the way.  The old do unto others thing, you know.
Even though the sun was out in all its glory, it didn't get overly hot, which of course I appreciate.
This route was east on Frost Road, south on Vallecitos / Sedillo Hill road, down under I-40, west on Old Route 66 to Zuzax, back OVER I-40 to Zamora road on the north of I-40, west about 1/2 mile thereon, and then north on Gutierrez Canyon Road back up to Frost and home.  13 miles with a bit more climbing, coasting, and variety.  I exceeded 35 MPH a bit today and wimped out and rode the brakes a while.  I'm getting old and for some reason want to continue to get older......

Ride Started: 6:15 AM    Ride Ended:  8:41 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.6   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  163   Ending BG Reading: 118
Lowest Temp  60F      Highest Temp:  71F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  13.78
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  5.6 MPH                                  6.6 MPH                        35.8  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
2 hours  27 mins                     2 hours 4 mins            22  minutes

Monday, June 26, 2017

Barking Dogs to Keep Me Awake

Today's Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

I got up before 6 AM this morning intending to get going even earlier but putzed around and didn't leave much earlier for the ride than the last few days.
We had a storm front whip through last evening (Sunday) and, while we got no rain from it, cooler air blew in.  This morning we were almost socked in.  It was darker and cooler, and I worried I might get wet by venturing out on three wheels, but after looking intently at the surrounding clouds touching the ground, I decided it was only clouds on the ground and not rain, which turned out to be the case all through the ride.  It was so dark I didn't even slather up with my usual layer of white grease (Sunblock).  I carry a small container of this stuff in my pannier so I figured if the sun came out I could easily stop and slop the stuff on my arms and legs.  Didn't need it today.
At these early hours lots of employed tax-paying job commuters are lining up the roads, but all evidently sufficiently awake to avoid any danger to cyclists such as moi.

Here's one of our good friends encountering me on his way to work.
 Matt Squires Commuter, Good Guy
All kinds of pedestrians, joggers, and dog walkers in action as well.  I captured videos of several such encounters but decided to spare you, dear reader.  Today's title comes from the plethora of barking dogs encountered behind their fences today, most rushing to their fences and chasing me wildly to the end of their fenced property.  Since passing cyclists are the most exciting thing most neighbor dogs see all day, we're used to the cacophony.  For some reason more were out and about today.
It was actually cool enough I almost considered putting on my windbreaker, but never did.  It's late June, after all, and we all know Global Warming does not allow need for extra layers this time of year.

Ride Started: 6:44 AM    Ride Ended:  8:32 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.1   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  131   Ending BG Reading: 130 (Ate a liver sandwich before leaving)
Lowest Temp  53F      Highest Temp:  61F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.55
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  6.0 MPH                             6.9 MPH                   31.1  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
1 hour  45 mins                     1 hour 32 mins          13  minutes

Friday, June 23, 2017

Early Riding, Cool Runnings

Today's Limited Tracking

I saddled up to ride early again this morning,  a bit earlier  than yesterday.  The sun was higher in the sky but almost invisible due to haze for at least half the ride.  Thus it was again a nice cool ride, good for the soul.
There seemed to be more traffic than I'm used to, doubtless commuters on their way to work.
I need to get up even earlier so I can do longer trips without getting too hot as the days warm up.
I've likely done this before, but this is what a downhill coast on the trike at 30+ MPH looks like:

(This is southbound from the northernmost end of Tumbleweed Lane)

Ride Started: 6:51 AM    Ride Ended:  8:46 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.7   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose:  144   Ending BG Reading: 195 (Ate an egg sandwich before leaving, didn't bolus the pump for it)
Lowest Temp  57F      Highest Temp:  71F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.59
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  5.5 MPH                             6.7 MPH                   30.4  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
1 hour  56 mins                     1 hour 34 mins          21  minutes

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Early Ride Equals Much Cooler

Today's Electronic Tracking

Yesterday was uncomfortably hot, so I decided to get off my butt and ride earlier today in hopes of lower temperatures.  News Flash ~ It really is actually cooler earlier in the morning.
I got going just after 7 AM and the morning shadows were still nice and long.  As the sun rose higher in the sky, of course it got warmer but not as warm as it will be later in the day.
I encountered several other cyclists out this morning, meaning other people have used their brains to ride early too.
I just checked the deck thermometer and it's already 92 outside.  Glad I'm already in the shade.

Ride Started: 7:17 AM    Ride Ended:  9:00 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.80   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose:  133  Ending BG Reading: 182
Lowest Temp  64F      Highest Temp:  78F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.56
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  6.2 MPH                             6.7 MPH                   30.9  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
1 hour  42 mins                     1 hour 34 mins          8  minutes

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Just Hot, No Dogs Today

Today's Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

I knew I should get started early today, what with recent temperatures bumping 100 in these parts.
However, household chores get in the way, and I had to tend to a few minor ones before setting out.
Jacque took Tink with her today in her car, leaving me with Silly Lilly.  She hates to be left behind, but she did not get excited and alarmed when I started primping with bug spray and sunblock and pee-green high visibility shirt, etc, as she normally does.  She just curled on the bed and acted like she was more in the mood for a nap.  Maybe she has more brains than I do and decided it wasn't worth going outside.
It was 61 degrees when we woke up here at 6800 feet elevation, and when the sun arose it immediately started climbing into the 80's without slowing down.  Saddling up the trike outdoors proved it was already uncomfortably warm, but what can you do?  Sit around and get even more out of shape?
And, once I actually got rolling, the breeze helped cool me off, sufficiently to make almost 6 miles to the Post Office and back.  I crave daily riding at least 10 miles or so, but I must change my lazy habits and get up early enough to get going before the sun gets too high off the morning horizon.  I already sleep no later than 6 AM , so if I got my butt in gear earlier instead of goofing around, I could get in an earlier ride without having to wake up any earlier.   Stay tuned.
I bumped into an old friend from Los Alamos while I was in Albuquerque last Friday.  I asked if he was still racing bicycles, as he used to be a serious contender in all the races and triathlons and marathons.
He said no, not since his atrial fibrillation episode.  He is now forbidden from racing or other intense activity.  What I thought was sad was that his doctor URGES him to get out and walk and ride bikes in more casual fashion, but he is depressed that he cannot race any more and thinks "just riding around" much too boring, so he doesn't.  I'm sure if he actually TRIED "just riding around" he would find at least some mild enjoyment in it, as you and I do.  He is obviously akin to all the scowling speed-racers we encounter on the road who pass us in silence, without a word of greeting because we are of a lower class of people-powered riders.
Which only goes to show that cyclists are just as goofy, weird, and clique-ish as so-called "Normal People" whoever that might possibly be.
Today was too hot but not formidably so, and the shortness of the trek kept me from overheating.  That and the frequent water breaks....
As I passed the Sandia Knolls entry along Frost Road, this Cushman-like scooter came rattling out of the intersection, and the loud blapping continued quite a ways down the road even though he was going the opposite direction behind me.  I used to think these were fun rides but now I look down my nose at such noisy contraptions.  Very funny  considering how my brother George and I used to take every opportunity to remove the exhaust pipe crossover on our Dad's Ford pickup and quickly replace it with an open length of exhaust pipe, and roar around Grants NM with wild abandon, thinking all the noise might impress some girls...

Ride Started: 10:42 AM    Ride Ended:  11:48 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   14.00   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose:  152  Ending BG Reading: 68
Lowest Temp  75F      Highest Temp:  86F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  5.59
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  5.1 MPH                             6.2 MPH                   30.8  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
1 hour  6 mins                       54 minutes               11  minutes

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Two Hot Dogs to Go, Please

Today's Slower-Than-Usual Tracking

Tinkerbell and Lilly, our two Wonder Dogs, have been left home alone much too often this past week.  I have done precious little riding myself, what with moving efforts for our neighbor and other commitments.
I decided to go for at least my usual boring 10-mile ride this morning but took pity on the dogs, who love to go for rides of any sort.  I have no baskets on my trike so I decided to see if I could find something to put into my trike trailer that  could safely confine the pooches.  Our mid-size critter carrier seemed to fit the bill, although it was a tad crowded with both dogs inside.  No complaints, though - They were happy to go even though shut inside a crate.  By the time we bounced down to the paved road, however, I opened the top hatch and realized I could allow them to sit inside the open-top carrier, look around, and be restrained with a strap through their collars.  Lilly actually decided to lie down at times while Tink preferred to keep alert and watch the road and passers-by.  They mostly made the ride fun, except for Whiney Lilly, who would be mostly quiet except at time such as when we stopped in the shade next to a young lady picking up her mail at the roadside mailboxes.  Then Lilly erupted into squeals of agony, obviously thinking the female was someone similar to "MOM" who would take pity on her and rescue her.  No such luck.  But she was good most of the time.

Almost halfway through the trip, I was passed by several cyclists, the third of which called out to me by name and ham radio callsign: "HEY!  Hi Jim, W5AOX, this is K5RHD!!"  Good old Randy, who I had not talked to for several weeks on the radio.  A more serious rider than I, he was partway through a 95-mile training ride(!), in regular preparation for the upcoming Seattle-to-Portland (STP) 200-Mile Ride.
A truly nice guy, he slowed down and rode alongside us at massively reduced speeds for several minutes
while we chatted.  Then he was off to catch up with his training partners.  Fun.

Well, it was fun trailering both doggies but climbing the really steep hills was really tedious.  Not sure I'll try it again without trailering everything and everyone down to the paved road first.

Ride Started: 9:33 AM    Ride Ended:  11:59 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   14.00   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.3
Beginning Blood Glucose:  125   Ending BG Reading: 71
Lowest Temp  75F      Highest Temp:  96F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.55
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  4.1 MPH                             6.4 MPH                   36.5  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
2 hours 26 mins                      1 hour 39 mins           47  minutes

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Biking to Relax?

Today's Truncated Tracking

(My tracking has been unimpressive lately.  I need to check out my radios and antennas.)

We finished moving the major stuff for our neighbor moving to a retirement center yesterday.  Jacque is there again today sorting and organizing for a big moving sale.  Me?  I played hooky and stayed home and went on a ten-mile ride on the Catrike to stretch my legs.  This in spite of my legs and back and multiple joints being stiff and sore from all the bending and twisting and lifting and carrying stuff around.
The legs exhibited definite soreness and stiffness from the moving efforts, but it felt good to do the bike-thing and stretch them out pedaling down the road  and around the area.  I was feeling pretty sluggish and tired prior to the bike ride and now am feeling more energized now that I'm starting to cool off a bit.
Weather was sunny and windy today, and I again confess: Even with rather stiff winds from any direction, it is a welcome cooling factor.

We have had only minor sprinkles of rain recently, and I noticed the dryness of the dirt/rock/goat-path road (last mile to our house) is now even more loose, and it was difficult climbing the hills to the house without having to engage "3-wheel drive" (both hands grabbing and pulling the front wheels forward, while pedaling madly to keep the rear wheel spinning) to keep going uphill to make it to the house.  NM Monsoon season officially begins in another day or so, and hopefully Heavenly Father will honor the season  by allowing us some real moisture.

Ride Started: 11:07 AM    Ride Ended:  1:13 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.85   Ending Voltage: 12.9  Lowest:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  118   Ending BG Reading: 66
Lowest Temp  67F      Highest Temp:  78F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.88
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  5.2 MPH                             6.5 MPH                   31.1  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
2 hours 4 mins                      1 hour 39 mins           24  minutes

Friday, June 9, 2017

Took a Break, Rode the Trike

Today's Spotty Tracking

Jacque and I have been helping a dear friend move from the East Mountains into a retirement home in Albuquerque all this week.  Thus we've been getting lots of bending and lifting exercise but not the fun kind.
Thursdays are our days to work in the Albuquerque Temple, but our shifts begin after noon, so I did my normal 10-mile ride as a nice break from loading furniture and boxes.
Nothing of interest happened along the way except that, as usual, it was great to be out with the wind in my face again.
I'm slowly getting braver on this Catrike Road, and may have set a new speed record on it sailing downhill with a tailwind.  Like most trikes with 2 wheels in front, it has a bit of oversteer and is touchy at speeds over 25 MPH.  Usually I ride the brakes a bit going downhill to avoid too-high speeds, but I find with a light touch on the steering handles it does OK, so I hit 35 MPH this time and did not suffer any problems.  No roll bars on these thiings, don'tcha know....

Ride Started: 11:13 AM    Ride Ended:  12:46 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.5   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose:  138   Ending BG Reading: 56
Lowest Temp  78F      Highest Temp:  94F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.51
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  6.8 MPH                             7.2 MPH                   35.8  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
1 hour 33 mins                      1 hour 27 mins           4  minutes

Friday, June 2, 2017

Boring Wonderful Rides

Today's Typical Friday Tracking

Today we did a repeat of last Friday's tandem ride up and down the Bosque Trail, and it, as always, was just as enjoyable as all the previous times we've ridden it.
We also repeated our favorite side trip east on Mountain ("Bicycle Boulevard") to Old Town.
We couldn't even get the trike more than half a block into Old Town due to the Felipe Festival being set up with its street concessions and carnival attractions.  We parked the trike and walked a hundred yards or so to purchase our ice cream treats.  This time, as we rode back west on "Bicycle Boulevard", which is plentifully marked with bikeway signs and 18 MPH speed limit signs. The 18 MPH limit is almost universally ignored but this fellow really blew it off, trying to force a car behind us to back off and let HIM roar around us.  I'm sorry his license plate doesn't show well in the video;  I'd love to send a copy of this to the Albuquerque Police just for the fun of it.

No one was in any real danger here, he was just an irritating nasty-guy with a lead foot.
The weather forecast was for rain showers most of the day, but it never materialized.  It was a bit too sunny and hot during a few portions of the ride but the cool breezes off the Rio Grande and the irrigation canals were wonderful for cooling us off as we rode.

Ride Started: 10:44 AM    Ride Ended:  2:25 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.2   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose:  133   Ending BG Reading: 161 (Too Much Ice Cream)
Lowest Temp  75F      Highest Temp:  82F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  18.60
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  5.8 MPH                             7.7 MPH                   18.6  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
3 hours 11 mins                    2 hours 24 mins        46  minutes