Saturday, June 17, 2017

Two Hot Dogs to Go, Please

Today's Slower-Than-Usual Tracking

Tinkerbell and Lilly, our two Wonder Dogs, have been left home alone much too often this past week.  I have done precious little riding myself, what with moving efforts for our neighbor and other commitments.
I decided to go for at least my usual boring 10-mile ride this morning but took pity on the dogs, who love to go for rides of any sort.  I have no baskets on my trike so I decided to see if I could find something to put into my trike trailer that  could safely confine the pooches.  Our mid-size critter carrier seemed to fit the bill, although it was a tad crowded with both dogs inside.  No complaints, though - They were happy to go even though shut inside a crate.  By the time we bounced down to the paved road, however, I opened the top hatch and realized I could allow them to sit inside the open-top carrier, look around, and be restrained with a strap through their collars.  Lilly actually decided to lie down at times while Tink preferred to keep alert and watch the road and passers-by.  They mostly made the ride fun, except for Whiney Lilly, who would be mostly quiet except at time such as when we stopped in the shade next to a young lady picking up her mail at the roadside mailboxes.  Then Lilly erupted into squeals of agony, obviously thinking the female was someone similar to "MOM" who would take pity on her and rescue her.  No such luck.  But she was good most of the time.

Almost halfway through the trip, I was passed by several cyclists, the third of which called out to me by name and ham radio callsign: "HEY!  Hi Jim, W5AOX, this is K5RHD!!"  Good old Randy, who I had not talked to for several weeks on the radio.  A more serious rider than I, he was partway through a 95-mile training ride(!), in regular preparation for the upcoming Seattle-to-Portland (STP) 200-Mile Ride.
A truly nice guy, he slowed down and rode alongside us at massively reduced speeds for several minutes
while we chatted.  Then he was off to catch up with his training partners.  Fun.

Well, it was fun trailering both doggies but climbing the really steep hills was really tedious.  Not sure I'll try it again without trailering everything and everyone down to the paved road first.

Ride Started: 9:33 AM    Ride Ended:  11:59 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   14.00   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.3
Beginning Blood Glucose:  125   Ending BG Reading: 71
Lowest Temp  75F      Highest Temp:  96F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.55
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  4.1 MPH                             6.4 MPH                   36.5  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
2 hours 26 mins                      1 hour 39 mins           47  minutes

1 comment:

  1. Happy Father's day to you Jim, sure enjoy your postd
