Monday, June 26, 2017

Barking Dogs to Keep Me Awake

Today's Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

I got up before 6 AM this morning intending to get going even earlier but putzed around and didn't leave much earlier for the ride than the last few days.
We had a storm front whip through last evening (Sunday) and, while we got no rain from it, cooler air blew in.  This morning we were almost socked in.  It was darker and cooler, and I worried I might get wet by venturing out on three wheels, but after looking intently at the surrounding clouds touching the ground, I decided it was only clouds on the ground and not rain, which turned out to be the case all through the ride.  It was so dark I didn't even slather up with my usual layer of white grease (Sunblock).  I carry a small container of this stuff in my pannier so I figured if the sun came out I could easily stop and slop the stuff on my arms and legs.  Didn't need it today.
At these early hours lots of employed tax-paying job commuters are lining up the roads, but all evidently sufficiently awake to avoid any danger to cyclists such as moi.

Here's one of our good friends encountering me on his way to work.
 Matt Squires Commuter, Good Guy
All kinds of pedestrians, joggers, and dog walkers in action as well.  I captured videos of several such encounters but decided to spare you, dear reader.  Today's title comes from the plethora of barking dogs encountered behind their fences today, most rushing to their fences and chasing me wildly to the end of their fenced property.  Since passing cyclists are the most exciting thing most neighbor dogs see all day, we're used to the cacophony.  For some reason more were out and about today.
It was actually cool enough I almost considered putting on my windbreaker, but never did.  It's late June, after all, and we all know Global Warming does not allow need for extra layers this time of year.

Ride Started: 6:44 AM    Ride Ended:  8:32 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.1   Ending Voltage: 13.0  Lowest:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  131   Ending BG Reading: 130 (Ate a liver sandwich before leaving)
Lowest Temp  53F      Highest Temp:  61F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  10.55
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  6.0 MPH                             6.9 MPH                   31.1  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
1 hour  45 mins                     1 hour 32 mins          13  minutes

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