We took the day off yesterday. At least I did. Jacque busted her chops, or at least her right arm and shoulder, at her therapy clinic yesterday while I ran some errands, like trash, stamps, birthday cards, gas, ice, and such-like RV essentials.
Today we were back in the saddles again. Jacque normally takes both doggies in her dual rear baskets, but today I wanted to share in the glory. Thus I hitched up my trike trailer and took the noisy one (Lilly) with me.
Actually, both dogs have recently been noisy on trike rides. Even though they love to come with us and throw squall-eyed fits when we leave them behind, they get restless and grumpy being restricted to passenger status on the trikes. But they're fun anyway, and we don't find "accidents" on the floor when they're riding with us instead of stuck at home in the RV.
Today we retraced our ride from last time: 5 miles to the Eureka Rail-Trail entry. BUT, this time we did not actually ride the entirety of the trail. Jacque got there before I did (she left 20 minutes before I did) and rode the half-mile triangular loop around the entry park. I merely used the public facility (i.e., OutHouse) before turning around for the ride home. On the way, we were forced to stop for a yard sale (Because there was a sign for a yard sale) where we enjoyed a short visit with strangers and spent a few bucks.
I finally encountered a roadneck, er, redneck, this trip. I was headed slowly up a short hill on a stretch of road with no shoulders and this black primered pickup came up behind me just as a car in the oncoming lane was fast approaching. Never touching his brake, primo-pickup roared around me, barely missing a head-on collision with the oncoming car. My so called Christian Attitude was strained during this episode, but thankfully he didn't endanger me as much as he did himself and the oncoming car.
Tennessee weather is slowly cooling, though the humidity index remains high even when it's "low".
Today wasn't too bad, even though it was a couple degrees warmer than the last 2 days.
One red truck turned out on the roadway, heading toward me, slowing down as though to talk to me.
NOPE. All he was doing was filming Lilly and me with his cell phone. HAH
Ride Started: 10:46 AM Ride Ended: 1:17 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 188 Ending BG: 132 (Cookies Consumed along the Way)
(Ate Breakfast before riding; insulin pump basal rate 50% for this ride)
Lowest Temp 75 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.84
Distance Walked: .3 miles
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.3 MPH 6.9 MPH 29.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 31 mins 1 hour 33 mins 57 minutes
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