Monday, July 8, 2019

Monday July 8

Today's Half-Way GPS Tracking

Just a short ride report today.
Always trying quasi-successfully to beat the heat, I got going this morning about 9 AM, again.
My feet were a bit more painful than usual this morning so I just did my fairly short around-main-streets-in-town ride.  I stopped for a couple quick foot rests in a couple of tree-shaded spots and when I arrived at the intersection crossing Route 95 just south of Walmart I decided to do a short detour over there, drink a cold soda, buy a couple items on my list, and get going back home.
I started to enter the store without locking the trike.  Thinking how long it might actually take me to get out of the store, I returned to the trike and locked it to the store bike rack.
After cooling off inside sipping my soda while sitting on one of their mesh steel guest benches, I found my desired items and paid for them.  As I exited the door I saw someone standing next to my trike, eyeing it with interest.  We exchanged greetings.  He asked the usual questions about my unusual vehicle.  We introduced each other, and I asked him if he lived in Mountain Grove too.  No, says he, he was returning to Buffalo or Bolivar, I'm slipping with exact recall.  He had been attending a family reunion in the Dora and Ava MO area and had just stopped on his return trip north to buy some beer that had been advertised on sale at our local store.  We enjoyed a nice visit before I told him I had to get going "Before it got hot HAH" (of course it was ALREADY hot!)
The ride home was uneventful, except for the usual feet-getting-too-hot.  I'm going to try some open toed sandals for my next ride to see if the feet can enjoy the ride more.
I received a cold welcome from the dogs when I got home to this:
I chewed the critters out something awful, but it was mostly my fault:  I had emptied the big trash can and tied off this bag of smelly gunk and then forgot to put it in the outside bin, out of reach and irresistible temptation for the mutts.  Thankfully I got it picked up before Jacque got home to enjoy the sight of all this.

Ride Started: 9:05 AM      Ride Ended:  10:23 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0 Lowest Voltage:  13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose:   120   Ending BG: 140
Lowest Temp:  78 F    Highest Temp:  82 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  5.87
Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
  3.7   MPH                           6.4  MPH              16.6 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 35 
 mins                 55 minutes            40 minutes

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