Hurricane "Barry" was supposed to dump a lot of water on us as it exited the Gulf Coast in our direction but it only provided clouds and sprinkles around here for the last 2 days.
Today we awoke to blue skies and sunshine, and it didn't take too long to get the trike out of the garage, saddled up, and moving. I rattled around the southeast part of town a bit before crossing the tracks on Wall Street and going east on State Street.
As I rode east I got near the office of my favorite chiropractor Dr. Brown and decided I would stop and see if he had any openings today. Jacque had strongly suggested I get another adjustment. I at first thought I would wait another week but since I was already in the neighborhood I turned in and parked the trike.
Sure enough, they took me right in and got to work on my back. A half hour or so later I was back on the trike, with the lingering pain in my lower right back totally missing.
An enjoyablle ride today, with a couple folks stopping me to ask questions about the trike.
My favorite interaction was with a lovely 2 or 3-year old blondie girl and her doting Grandpa. Grandpa had all sorts of questions about the trike and Blondie admired it while Grandpa visited with me. Finally she informed me "Grandpa has to leave now. He's supposed to take me somewhere."
So I thanked the both of them and rode on. I had forgotten my GoPro video camera at home, as usual, which would have been nice to catch part of this episode in neighborly relations.
I had origiinally planned to add a few more miles to the trip but with the sun already high and the humidity going right up with it, I came on home to chill under the air conditioning.
Ride Started: 8:47 AM Ride Ended: 10:24 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: 72 Ending BG: 145
Lowest Temp: 71 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.61
Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.0 MPH 6.7 MPH 19.1 MPH
Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.0 MPH 6.7 MPH 19.1 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 38 mins 59 minutes 39 minutes
1 hour 38 mins 59 minutes 39 minutes
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