Okay, for my English Diction-challenged Comrades:
Peddling: SELLING something, usually on a small scale
Pedaling: Working something with your FEET, usually a bicycle or in my case, Tricycle
I insert this short tutorial since I see, so often, in posts about cycling, the use of "Peddling" their bike or trike, when in fact they mean "Pedaling". As a former spelling bee champion in the 3rd and 4th grade (circa 1946-47), I shudder when I see such errors. Trust me. It's just a weakness on my part.
Nobody is going to hell for misspelling Pedaling. Here's hoping I didn't misspell misspelling....
Now, on to today's mild adventure. Wanting to get in my usual several miles on the trike to build up my metabolism AND sense of well-being, I was in process of saddling up the trike, attaching the flagpole antennas, turning on the electronics, making sure I had full water bottles, etc, when Jacque mentioned she had a prescription ready to pick up at Walmart. Since such things are an excellent excuse for a ride, I volunteered to go get it via high speed (HAH!) trike travel.
I again elected to take the mostly long way around, to increase the mileage accomplished. Again all encounters with motorized vehicles were cordial and danger - free. Most drivers actually hesitate to pass me, even though I leave plenty of room for them to pass without having to enter the oncoming lane. Most also want to give me the right-of-way at intersections, even though they may have been first at the stop, thus having priority. I like to wave cars through such encounters, even if **I** have the theoretical right of way. I like to make sure there is lots of room and visibility in all directions before I go onward, and find it worthwhile to wave all traffic through as much as possible.
I also stopped a couple of times to yack on the ham radio, since there was a 2 meter net on the 147.09 Hartville repeater. This repeater is around 10 miles away, and lacking mountain locations for antennas, it has spotty coverage here in Mountain Grove, especially when rattling along on the trike.
That sucked up maybe 5 or 6 minutes of stop time, and I rolled onward.
When I rolled into the Wally World parking lot, I parked aat the bike rack, chained up the trike, and took a break sitting on one of their outside benches drinking one of their 50 cent sodas purchased from their outside vending machines.
The pharmacy inside handled me circumspectly and I was again on my way in a few minutes.
With quite a few honks and friendly waves from motorist, I made it home again safe and mostly sound.
Ride Started: 10:20 AM Ride Ended: 12:20 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: 144 Ending BG: 80
Lowest Temp: 75 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.23
Distance Walked: 1 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.7 MPH 6.8 MPH 18.9 MPH
Distance Walked: 1 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.7 MPH 6.8 MPH 18.9 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 56 mins 1 hour 3 mins 53 minutes
1 hour 56 mins 1 hour 3 mins 53 minutes
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