Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Swallowed Another BUG

Today's Around Town Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

We got home yesterday, Monday, from our trip to Virginia International Raceway to watch our favorite racer Chris Schaafsma run his hopped-up VW Golf (a Golf shell with a zoom-zoom motor and a seat for the driver).
We enjoyed our visit but realized as soon as we got there that we needed to bring along our trikes in the future.  The raceway was populated with scooters and a few people-powered bicycles and all kinds of ATV's.  Getting back and forth between bathrooms and snack counters etc. would have been a lot more pleasant on trikes instead of on foot.  Ah Well.  Maybe Next Time.
Our right front brake had been making grumbly noises for most of the 2-day trip home, and as soon as we got home and rested just a bit, I jacked up the Ford Exploder and checked the brake.  Sure enough, one of the disc pads was worn paper-thin and badly needing replacement.  Leaving the vehicle up on the jack, I dragged out my Catrike and rode the mile or so over to our closest auto parts store.
Since when did everything get so expensive??  Itty Bitty brake pads cost THIRTY bucks before tax??
And a new Rotor goes for $50-Plus?   Seems like just a few months ago such things were about half or less of such prices.
Paid for the new front pads, rode back home, and finished installing the new brakes.
Total miles for the parts run:  2.37 -  Brakes are again smooth and silent.
Today, Tuesday, I was anxious to get in a fairly decent ride.  The forecast was for cloudy and possible rain showers.  It was cloudy and cool but not threatening by the time I got my tires aired up on the trike, so I thought I'd have time to get out and back and rack up a few miles.
The local weather is cooling and turning to fall.  I hadn't ridden more than a couple miles when my smiling face realized... I had a BUG in my mouth.  I guess that's what comes from being a mouth-breather while trike riding... and possibly elsewhere.  It was only a short sensation.  I realized I'd ingested a foreign critter of some sort, hacked it up, and spit it out.  Didn't stop to see what it was;  didn't roll him around in my mouth to see what he tasted like.  PTOOEY and gone.
We had used up our spare quart of oil during the trip to VA and back, so I took the long route around town to visit Walmart and pick up a quart.  As well as a good old Diet Soda.....
Leaving Walmart, I noticed some heavy black clouds building up towards town, so I gave some extra goosh to get home before it started.
Of course, by the time I got home, the clouds had cleared to only light cloudiness again.
Glad I didn't get wet, at any rate.
I noticed with some dismay that my insulin doses didn't seem to be having much effect while we were traveling.  Musta been too much sitting around while traveling under gasoline power, as my BG readings have dropped dramatically since we got home and I got back on my triking....

Ride Started:   1:06 PM      Ride Ended:  3:02 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.8  Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0   Lowest Voltage:  13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose:  98      Ending BG: 96
Lowest Temp:  64 F    Highest Temp:  71  F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  7.39
Distance Walked: .5 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
MPH                             7.3 MPH               20.8 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped  Time
 1 hour 34 mins
                    1 hour                  33 minutes

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