Saturday, October 5, 2019

Tandem Terrorizing Trip

Today's mapped route - Radio/GPS only recorded one leg

We got home late from West Plains last night.  We had to get up at 5 AM, as usual this morning, and though I slept fairly well, Jacque had a rough night.
After doing our Seminary class this morning, Jacque took off garage sale-ing while I stayed home - intending to sneak a nap.  Didn't happen.
I sanded and painted a couple of kitchen cabinet doors out in the garage, then dragged out my Catrike to install a new control cable for the front ring-gear shifter.  This booger has been very tight and difficult to shift for months now.  Lubing and rearranging the cable routing resulted in some improvement, but the new cables I ordered from Amazon arrived last evening and I installed one of them today. 
The old cable, when I removed it, showed previously unseen rust and corrosion on the middle of the cable. MAN, what a difference now.  A very short test ride up the street and back showed the shifting is smooth, easy, and accurate.  I was ready for  a ride.
I was taking a break when Jacque came home and we decided we wanted to go to Walmart to get our yearly flu shots.  We agreed it would be a good excuse to ride our trikes.  As I was headed to the garage to drag them out and saddle up for the ride I decided we should take the tandem Terratrike instead of our individual Catrikes .
The tandem is larger, heavy, and slow to chug along the streets with, but it's actually more fun than following each other with varying speeds with separate trikes. 
Thus, we took the slow but laborious ride up to Walmart.  This monster is always a hit with sightseers and passing motorists, especially when we have Tink and Lilly in the back basket adding to the spectacle.
We rode to the far side of Walmart, which had a shaded rest area next to their garden displays for employees, which we partook of joyfully.
Since we had the doggies with us, Jacque went into the Pharmacy first for her shot while I waited outside and drank my usual cool-off cola.  The only unpleasantness was one of the employees on break was enjoying his smoke while I was trying to enjoy my coke.  He finally went back to work and the air cleared considerably.
Jacque came back out - newly punctured - and I went in for mine.
The waiting around for our names to be called consumed almost as much time as the riding did.
Riding both directions on the east side of Hiway 95 involves less hill climbing than my normal single-trike routing, so that's the way we rode.
Today was quite cool by recent Missouri standards, but it was in the low 80's when we rode.  Still a lot cooler than normal.  I hadn't worn my shocking shorts for today's ride and did not regret it.

Ride Started:   2:14 PM      Ride Ended:  4:03 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.7  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9   Lowest Voltage:  13.2
Beginning Blood Glucose:  93      Ending BG: 156
Lowest Temp:  68 F    Highest Temp:  79  F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  6.08
Distance Walked: 1 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
MPH                             5.4 MPH              17.0 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped  Time
 1 hours 46 mins
                1 hour 7 mins       39 minutes

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