I got good and tired again today, which often happens whether I get anything useful done or not.
We had a few walnut and oak tree giants cut down months ago to avoid crushing our house when the weather rocked their massive limbs too much, and it has been quite the chore for me and other outside volunteers to get them cut up into firewood lengths and packed off to someone who needs wonderful firewood. I had spent an hour or more a few weeks ago chain-sawing the largest log into sections, and the weight of the monster prevented me from rolling it over so as to completely cut the chunks without damaging the chain saw by digging into the dirt it was lying on,
Today I struck on the ingenious idear of attaching one of my steel chains to the huge log and pulling it over using a motorized vehicle: Our Ford Exploder. It worked, meaning I had to get to work again, and I spent another tiring hour finishing the cutting of the sections. My feet being pained with diabetic and stupidic neuropathy meant I was in agony by the time I finalized the cutting, leaving the log chunks arrayed in the yard for more work in the future splitting it with my 20-pound steel wedge head manually operated log splitter.
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These range from 14" to 24" OAK |
I retired to the easy chair to rest my feet and let the dogs lick them, which is a wonderful calming treatment fot the burning sensations in the feets.
We often use Friday for a date night, which in our case usually means Jacque doesn't have to cook dinner. This afternoon this sweetheart suggested riding our trikes to the local Cozumel Mexican Restaurant , which is only a few blocks distant from our casita.
The dogs wonderful treatment for my feet had calmed them wonderfully, so all was good for such an outing.
The weather again was perfect for any outing, and especially for a short pleasant ride like this.
There was a small group at the windows watching us ride up, and one of the waiters came out and admired our rides as we loaded up afterward to leave.
After a short detour to the nearby Richards Market, we arrived home safe sound and happy with only mild complaints from the feet.
Ride Started: 6:11 PM Ride Ended: 7:14 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: 156 Ending BG: 59
Lowest Temp: 78 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 1.87
Distance Walked: .6 mile (Dog Potty Trips)
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
1.8 (!) MPH 3.8 MPH 16.0 MPH
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
1.8 (!) MPH 3.8 MPH 16.0 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 2 mins 30 minutes 32 minutes
1 hour 2 mins 30 minutes 32 minutes
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