We spent most of the day spending money today at all sorts of Major Retailers that May Remain Unnamed.
One that WILL be named is La-Z Boy, which facility took my recently damaged recliner chair (which offers great comfort to my sore feet even when damaged) and repaired it, free of charge, even though the chair was a week or more out of warranty. THEN the repair guy called me, maybe 30 minutes after we dropped off the broken chair, telling me it was already repaired and ready to go.
Other stores, not so much of a good report. And the Motor Vehicle Dept / Department of Revenue?
Surely on every state's list of bad attitudinal service. MO has a so called online plate renewal system that is slow, confusing, and slow..... and finally nearing th insecte end of the procedure it dies and fails to issue a new license. Poking and prodding various links on the site, we finally see we must either MAIL the appropriate stuff to Jefferson City or visit the nearest Motor Vehicle Office. When I go to the office, I find I must have my RV "Inspected" by a certified body shop somewhere around.
I dragged out the trike for the short trip a few blocks to the aforementioned gov't office and sat around when I got home cooling my heels. Jacque mentioned an item she needed from Wally World and I decided to use that for an excuse to take a longer trike ride.
Nice and sunny and warmish, but a mild to middling breeze helped, which I appreciated.
The feet were hot and talking to me when I shopped, and I took several minutes in the shade before I started the ride back to the house.
Even with both "trips" the miles didn't add up to much, but whatever.....
1st Ride Started: 3:31 PM 2nd Ride Ended: 6:41 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7
Ending Battery Voltage: 12.7 Lowest Voltage: 12.7
Beginning Blood Glucose: 81 Ending BG: 128
Lowest Temp: 68 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Lowest Temp: 68 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.63
Distance Walked: .6 mile (Dog Potty Trips)
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.7 MPH 6.3 MPH 16.8 MPH
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.7 MPH 6.3 MPH 16.8 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 32 mins 53 minutes 39 minutes
1 hour 32 mins 53 minutes 39 minutes
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