We are still in the midst of a severe drought here in Missouri, with daily high temperature warnings.
Which has motivated me to ride as early as possible in the mornings. Even then the air is WARM and often uncomfortably Hot, but nowhere nearly as bad as it gets later on in the day.
I enjoy sleeping as late as possible, but when I awake any time after 6-ish AM I tend to wake myself up worrying about waiting too much later for it to warm up outside. Even when I roust myself out "early" I rarely get going before 8 AM which is NOT early to my enfeebled mind. BUT it's much better than it would be any later in the day.
I came upon a Youtube video via Fakebook yesterday others might also find interesting, called "David Rides a Trike". It's maintained by this old duffer who records his trike trips -- at 80 something years old and diagnosed with terminal cancer after multiple organ transplants, etc, etc. He defies the prognoses and the odds by huffing and puffing around on his recumbent trike. I'm in awe of the guy, for sure. Some odd few think I'm doing something unusual with my feeble rides, but this guy takes the cake. Look him up if you don't believe....
Anyway, I'm falling behind in my record keeping - as usual. I HAVE recently taken up my handwritten journal keeping again, for the first time in many years. It's quite difficult since my shaky hands are more un-coordinated than ever and it's difficult to write with a legible scribble, but some of my descendants might someday be able to decipher the scribbling and find some interest in it.
Back to Today. I awoke about 6:30 AM and loafed - trying to get another hour of sleep - until about 7:16 and finally kicked myself awake, did my stretches, fed the dog, pottied, washed my face, etc, etc, and was in the trike saddle and rolling shortly after 8.
It was just a bit cooler this morning, with a very slight breeze.which always helps in the hot hot summertime. I had only ridden a few blocks when I encountered a cyclist going the opposite direction.
We exchanged greetings and continued away from each other. I looped around town neighborhoods and wound up going through our illustrious Industrial Park. As I topped the last little hill approaching
Wheeler Arch Road, I decided to turn right and ride out to our little local airport. As I pulled up to the stop sign, who should I encounter but the same guy on his bicycle, having done an opposite route that had us meeting again several miles later. He was headed to the airport too, so I fell in behind him and followed. I jokingly told him I was taking advantage of his "draft", similar to what race drivers like Chris Schaafsma do at slightly higher speeds (Say 80-100+ MPH instead of +- 10 MPH ??)
We arrived at said airport, with only 2 planes in sight, safely tied down and parked. He led me to a couple of moldy wooden park benches in the shade that I hadn't noticed before in my several previous stops there. We alighted from our sweaty saddles and sat down to swap names and a few spotty stories.
His name was Gary, and as we chatted we found we were only a few days apart in age, with various similar ailments and complaints, AND fellow Viet Nam veterans. Both Christians as well, though of different church attendance. Both divorced and with second Wives. Hmmm....
We loafed a while through more idle chit-chat and then went on our ways, this time not meeting again.
It was a nice encounter and visit and again emphasized the fact that it is indeed a Small World.
Ride Started: 8:05 AM Ride Ended: 9:16 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.9 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.7
Lowest Temp: 75 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 250 Ending BG: 125
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.08
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 8.4 MPH 16.9 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 7 minutes 43 minutes 23 minutes
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