Today's spotty tracking
Sappy Alert: I just had to share this shot of Lilly peering out from behind the RV's front windshield curtain. She loves to perch up there, even in the hottest sun, so she can oversee all activity outside, and assert the tiny-dog bark alarm when she spots activity of any sort.
No biking over the weekend or Monday, yesterday. I did get in some non-aerobic exercise chopping up a couple of stumps and dragging various tree limbs etc. during our Mormon Pioneer Day service project for a local bedridden sister. I got several comments about the amount of work I seem to be able to do "in spite of my age". I suppose I might even be the oldest guy at the last couple of work parties but I'm certainly not in the best of shape. Cycling is great aerobic exercise and I love it, but it doesn't build up or maintain upper body strength. Saturday I did quite a bit of axe swinging, cutting a couple of stumps down closer to the ground, which seemed to really impress some of the guys for some reason. I myself definitely notice I'm not as strong as I was 20 years ago, and suffer longer after such labors because my muscles and joints are not bullet-proof any more. The next day was Sunday, a day of rest from "normal" labors, and a day for pain pills to alleviate my sore arms and elbows. But all that soreness was pretty much gone by Monday morning, when we went back up to the Sherwood complex on the shores of Watts Bar Lake to spend a day with the Sherwood grandkids.
We don't see enough of these guys and we were a bit apprehensive about being able to "entertain" them for the several hours we'd be alone with them. It turned out to be a great day with a couple of great youngsters. Cheerful and friendly, no griping about being bored, smiles and laughter only. Jacque floated around in the water and swam, immensely enjoying the pain relief with her sore shoulder bouyed in the water, and spent a lot of time bobbing around with the grand daughter. We both spent a bit of time in the kayaks which are great fun and good "Upper Body" exercise.
The 15-year old grandson is quite self sufficient and requires little attention. He's a fanatic fisherman and had caught his own breakfast and eaten it before we even arrived. He spent most of the day showing off his skills at fly fishing, swimming and splashing around in the water like a 6 foot whale. A fun dude.
We took them out to eat Chinese on the way to their home and were sad to drop them off for the night. We will do better about arranging time to spend with them and our other neglected grandchildren.
So. This morning awoke as Tuesday and, even though it rained last night for a half hour or so, I wanted to get in a few miles on the trike to try to keep my "girly figure" in check.
My new front fenders alleviated any fears about slop and mud covering my like the last time I rode on wet roads. I got sprinkled on just a wee bit but mostly the ride was almost dry, with no puddles encountered with which to test the fender functionality. The humidity is always high around here, and it was even more humid today, but the temperature was low enough to make it quite livable.
I passed 2 or 3 local county sheriff deputies today. I keep half expecting one of them to someday pull over and warn me to find somewhere else to ride. No such thing so far. They look at me as they pass but no hassles or even comments thus far.
Ride Started: 8:08 AM Ride Ended: 9:38 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.9 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose: 126 Ending BG: 128
(No breakfast; insulin pump basal rate cut back to 70% for the ride)
Lowest Temp 71 F Highest Temp: 71 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 11.54
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
7.9 MPH 9.0 MPH 21.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 27 mins 1 hour 17 mins 10 minutes
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