Friday, July 6, 2018

And in Parting...

Today's RV Track across Indiana

I got going on the trike even earlier this morning, though I think I should get up earlier and get going at daybreak or even just before, to take advantage of more cooling.
Even with the sun shining today, there were lots of trees along the way, and of course corn higher than my head almost everywhere as far as the eye can see.  There was also a mild breeze which of course helped a lot.
There seem to be no ham radio digipeaters near Danville so I again was unable to obtain an online GPS track of the 11 mile ride.  The link above reflects much of the RV trip later today from Danville IL to Seymour Indiana.
We dearly love "Mom" Carol Johnston, the sole reason for visiting Danville, and it was sweet sorrow to bid her goodbye as we left with our next destination of Watts-Barr Lake near Kingston TN, where we will stay for several weeks in hopes of getting Jacque into surgery for her bad shoulder.  Her pain has made the last few weeks much less enjoyable than they would otherwise have been without the rotator cuff problem.
I have tried a new diabetic strategy the last couple of days.  Instead of eating breakfast or snacking before taking off on a ride, I've checked the blood glucose and dialed back the basal infusion rate on my insulin pump.  This in hopes of burning off a bit of tummy roll that I'm not crazy about.  When I "carb up" before and after a ride, it seems to maintain my lumpy profile, and maybe even slowly increase the midsection  - the way I eat, anyway.
This may or may not be working - both days I have come home from a ride hot and tired AND with unreasonably high blood glucose, in spite of having eaten nothing before or during the ride.
I theorize this is because I'm indeed burning a bit of fat, which the liver converts back into glucose to provide burnable energy for the saggy muscles.... and since my insulin pump has been dialed back so much, my BG thus increases.  Solution, of course, is to adjust the basal back up somewhat so I can keep the glucose level "level".  I dialed the basal rate back to 25% of normal yesterday and today and next I will try the 40-50% level to see how that works.  Not only do I hope to trim the tummy, but skipping the pre-ride breakfast allows me to get GOING earlier.

Ride Started: 6:56 AM    Ride Ended:  8:54 AM
Beginning Blood Glucose:  126      Ending BG: 206
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  11.13 
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed  
6.0 MPH                                 7.6 MPH                     22.3 MPH 
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time 
1 hour 51  mins                      1 hour 27 mins             24 minutes

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