DATELINE: Danville, Illinois
We went shopping in Shipshewana early Monday, yesterday, didn't find what we wanted. So I decided to order it from Amazon and hope a local brick-and-mortar store will stock something we want or need next time we shop "offline".
We returned to our pricey ($36-PLUS) RV park and packed up the RV and SUV and got ready to roll.
We took back roads south through Indiana - enjoyed the relatively smooth pavement most of the way and the marvelous views of fabulous US farmland - and crossed into Illinois late in the day. $2.86 was the cheapest gas we found on this leg of our wandering.. Out here in the Midwest gas seems to be cheaper in the small towns than it is in the larger metro areas. Very strange. Prices seemed to jump 20 cents everywhere a few days ago, obviously in anticipation of the 4th of July holiday coming up. The official excuse is the scarcity of oil from Iran and wherever, but we suspect prices will sag a xbit after the holiday highway rush. slows down.
I determined to do a few miles on the trike this morning, regardless of the heat and humidity, before it got later in the day and even hotter and humider. It took me a while to get the trike, radios, and panniers all unloaded and hooked up, and each passing minute seemed even warmer and more uncomfortable. Finally I was able to get going and got in a 5-miler. Again I seem to be in a weak radio zone so I did not get any mapping recorded of the ride.
I rode away, fully cognizant of a slight problem: My 3-speed front derailleur shifter cable has been broken for the last 3 rides. Each time I promise myself to replace the bad cable, but invariably I ride away and only realize I'm stuck with the 7 "rear gears" after getting underway. Out in these relatively flat areas the mild hills are climbable even without my "Grandma Gears", so I've gotten away with it.
Today I remembered the missing 14 speeds but rode anyway, again promising myself to fix it later today after it hopefully cools off a bit.
Where we're driveway surfing is sorta on the outskirts of Danville and I stuck to the perimeter back roads among the cornstalks and enjoyed myself.
I rode fairly comfortably, as cycling produces its own mild breeze which helps keep the heat down. It's always a treat to rid under the welcome shade of trees since the temperature seems to drop almost 10 degrees cooler or better, definitely noticeable cooling courtesy of God.
Several hours now have passed since the ride and I'm almost feeling human again after shaving, showering, and eating. Current temp is 87 and the sky is now a bit clouded, unlike the full sunshine I was blessed with while riding.
Ride Started: 8:41 AM Ride Ended: 9:31 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: ? No remote recording Ending Voltage: ? Lowest: ?
Beginning Blood Glucose: 220 Ending BG: 107
Lowest Temp 85 F Highest Temp: 88 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.04
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.5 MPH 7.5 MPH 16.9 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
47 minutes 40 minutes 6 minutes
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