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Did we get this from Amazon today? |
WOW. We had bright sun again today, wonderful for a Missouri February.
I was both surprised at the early morning sun AND the fact that in spite of the sunny outdoors, it was again only 25 degrees when we arose from our slumbers.
Jacque encouraged me by stating it sure looked like a great day for a trike ride.
Howsomever, I had remodeling tasks I wanted to make progress on before I escaped the house, so I spent the morning and early afternoon (1) building and maintaining a fire in the garage wood stove and (2) sanding our aged kitchen cabinet doors to prepare them for a new coat and color of paint.
I got the first coat on the back sides of 2 of the several doors remaining in wait.
I wanted to go a-triking, but by this time I was low on firewood in the garage.
We likely will seldom run low on available wood here in MO what with trees and woody weeds everywhere. We still have a cord or more in the making lying in the yard from the last time the power company cut down several of our threatening trees several months ago. I have cut up most of them into stove-length logs but they are 24-30 inches in diameter so they require the services of my arm operated splitter maul. This is a very heavy steel wedge head splitter with a solid steel handle welded to it, making operation a bit of cardiovascular effort. One or two log sections duly split will usually keep the stove alive for a day's worth. Got that hauled inside and further split and stacked next to the stove. Then I saddled up for the ride.
I hate to throw supposedly useful trash away, and I save and flatten our cardboard boxes for delivery to a local outfit that sells cardboard for recycling.
I hitched up the B.O.B. trailer that we usually haul the doggies in, bungeed the card board inside, and got ready to go.
By this time I was feeling a bit spacey like my blood sugar was low so I checked - luckily - before taking off. It WAS too low to charge off on a ride, so I stuffed a couple cookies down and reduced my pump's basal rate. I was still a bit wobbly when I finally left but all was OK as the carbs kicked in.
The cardboard recycler is only a few blocks away so it didn't take long to get there. I have never seen anyone present at this "operation" the several times I have dropped off cardboard deliveries and today was no exception. Nobody was home but the several trailers of cardboard were open for more treasure. I stowed the stuff and continued on with my ride, with empty trailer following me.
I didn't want to take it back home without continuing my ride.
Since I was already on State Street / 3rd Street, depending on which end of the street we're on, I headed west and rode out to Bell Crossing Road, which takes us past the bustling Mountain Grove Airport, which like the cardboard place, I've never found any action or people in place. But it's a good break stop if needed.
I was pleasantly surprised that my feet didn't trouble me while riding today. Usually they get a bit tired, though not as tired as they do when walking or standing on them. This time the feets were complaining before I left (I had been standing, sanding, walking, and splitting/hauling firewood) but exhibited no discomfort when pedaling along. I climbed a couple of steeper than normal mild hills today, but the feet continued happily with no breaks.
I hadn't gone very far when I started feeling low on sugar again and pulled over on the side of the pavement to check my blood glucose. I had barely gotten off the trike and pulling out the test kit when a car pulled up next to me and I heard a friendly voice ask "Are you OK, Mister?" It turned out to be a couple of good friends from Church, aka Jack and Diane. Assuring them I had things under control, they left and I finished the test. Sure 'nuff, the glucose was too low again so I dug out 3 more cookies. Very tasty and satisfying. The rest of the trip was uneventful and thoroughly enjoyable.
I had started out with open finger warm weather cycling gloves, but after about the first mile I dug out the warm hunting gloves. The supposed outside temperature was several degrees warmer today but the stiff breeze was numbing on the pinkies.
Arrived home safe and sound, added another coat of paint to the cabinet doors.
All is Well. So Far.
Ride Started: 2:49 PM Ride Ended: 4:00 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9 Lowest Voltage: 12.6
Beginning Blood Glucose: 61 Ending BG: 95
Lowest Temp: 46 F Highest Temp: 52 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.02
Distance Walked: .5 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.1 MPH 7.5 MPH 20.1 MPH
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.1 MPH 7.5 MPH 20.1 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 10 mins 48 minutes 23 minutes
1 hour 10 mins 48 minutes 23 minutes
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