I got a good trike ride - in spite of the wintry weather - a few days ago, but didn't work up enough energy to pop details in the blog. Oh Well
The last few days have been FRIGID indeed, with single digits 2 nights ago and below 20 most of the day yesterday. Our water line to the fridge icemaker froze up and took all day to thaw out. Needing ice in this cold weather? Call me crazy; I'm certified.
The last couple days have "warmed up" - yesterday ALMOST up to freezing - and today it actually got into the 40's, really balmy by comparison. The sun shone most of the day and I was determined to do a round-town ride.
After dutifully spending time building a fire in the little worthless stove in the garage, peeling old paint, sanding and re-painting another cabinet door for the kitchen, I poked my head outside and was alarmed at the darkening sky so early in the afternoon. No precipitation was mucking up the sky, but it was looking like soup might take over the weather. I decided to get with it and ride out before things got worse.
The temperature wasn't freezing but it sure felt cold. I only had 2 layers of jacket and the half-mitt gloves. I've learned not to dress too warmly since after the first mile or so excess layers are not comfy. Sure enough, in spite of the cold breeze, I had to unzip the layers to let in some of that cool breeze. Coming up the hill on the last leg home, I had to unzip even more.
Today I noticed - more than usual - that, after riding a bit, my brain fog tends to clear up, my mood improves, and even though the weather outside is frightful - the world seems a bit brighter.
In fact, the world DID get a bit brighter, as about halfway around town I noticed the dark threatening skies had cleared and the threatening darksome skies had blown away somewhere else.
How Nice. Still cold, but nice.
Split a few more walnut and oak chunks for the stove, put another coat of paint on the door-in-process, and called it a day.
Ride Started: 2:13 PM Ride Ended: 3:09 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9 Lowest Voltage: 12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose: 164 Ending BG: 86
Lowest Temp: 47 F Highest Temp: 50 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.71
Distance Walked: .6 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
7.1 MPH 7.6 MPH 20.4 MPH
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
7.1 MPH 7.6 MPH 20.4 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
57 minutes 53 minutes 4 minutes
57 minutes 53 minutes 4 minutes
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