Sunday, February 2, 2020

Sunday Trikers !

Today's Short but Tiring GPS Track

We were THRILLED to awaken to another  sunny and relatively warm day today.  By the time we left for Church at 9:30 AM it was already above 40 degrees and promising, to say the least.
As we were coming home from church at noonish, Jacque declared that we should drag out the tandem trike and go for an afternoon ride.  What a nice concept!  She has been almost  house-bound for the last couple weeks suffering with bronchitis and the horrible coughing, and she was wanting
So, after changing out of our church duds, and a nice snack and a bit of pre-ride relaxation, I dragged out the trike to see if it still worked.  It has been stored in the garage, next to my tools such as  sanders and table saws, and was completely coated with an unattractive layer of sawdust and what-not gunk.  So I dragged it outside and used my wonderful Air Compressor I inherited from Jacque's Dad several years ago, and did a fair job of revealing the color of the paint underneath all the dust.
Since we had not ridden this monster for quite a while, we agreed that we would resist any urge to do any sort of marathon, but just go a few blocks and get the fresh air and a bit of exercise.
Of course, since we have a cargo basket on the rear fender of this Tandem Terratrike, the doggies Tinkerbell and Lilly had to go for the ride too.
Mountain Grove has this cute town square about 2 blocks from our abode, so of course we rode there first.  The Sunday Square - Goers were suitably impressed when we rode by, evidently unaware of my strain in pedaling the heavy monster on even the slightest up-grade.  We passed several other appreciative citizens who were also outside enjoying the balmy day, and decided to turn back towards home when we got as far as the Senior Center.
One of our dear neighbors was outside letting her dog Cookie "do her business" as we rounded the last corner toward home, so we stopped for a welcome break visiting with both her and her pooch.
I was "Whupped" by the time we got home:

With a couple Excedrin later, am feeling not much pain.
Riding my single-seater trike is definitely less fatigue-inducing than the tandem, though admittedly not as much fun.....

Ride Started:   1:55 PM      Ride Ended:  2:47 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.1  Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0   Lowest Voltage:  12.7
Beginning Blood Glucose:  115      Ending BG: 122 
Lowest Temp:  67 F    Highest Temp:    75 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:   2.2
Distance Walked: .5 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
MPH                             4.6 MPH               14.9 MPH 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped  Time
 52 minutes
                         29 minutes            23 minutes

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