Friday's 12-Miler Route
I broke my wood splitter maul a few days ago, for who knows how many times previous. It's all steel, including the handle, and was advertised as "indestructible", inaccurately. I've broken the handle - just splitting wood - more than once before, and have had it successfully welded back together.
Splitting wood is a necessity around here, with all the monster trees growing everywhere including our yard, so I asked around and found a guy who does part time welding who has a good reputation.
He had told me over the phone to bring it to his house today, at 10:00 AM, and even though he's farther away than I've been riding lately, I considered it a good excuse to hitch up the B.O.B. bike trailer and haul the heavy monster on a trike ride.
With the help of the cell phone map and the outdated GPS on the trike, I finally found his house out on the far west end of town. I was a bit startled to encounter his 2 loose hound dogs who, of course, raised the alarm and rushed toward me for the attack. Once close to me, thankfully, they turned into beggar doggies, wanting me to pet and adore them, and REALLY got mushy with me as I dug out a cookie to eat to build up enough energy for the trip home.
Welder-Guy told me he would have to take some time to get it done, and that I should return home and wait for him to call back.
Of course, he called back while I was still on the road about 3/4 of the way home. I was of course "bushed" by then, so I went on home, rested my aching feets, and took the gas powered Ford Exploder back to his place.
I had expected to pay in the neighborhood of $20 or less, but the tab was actually 30 bucks, for a weld repair on a maul that sells for maybe twice or 3 times that price. brand new.
Since then, I've used the maul enough to wear myself out today, and it's holding up well, but when and if it breaks again:
- I'm NOT going to repair it again, and
- I'm NOT using this welder-guy again. He's good but too pricey for this old man.
This trike trip was a tad over 12 miles, and of course it lowered my blood sugar. A LOT. I've been dealing with low sugars all day since then. Which, to me, is preferable to dealing with High sugars most of the time.
Often, including today, a vehicle will pass me and I will get a loud BARK! BARK! from a dog with his head out the window as they pass. Great Stuff.
Ride Started: 9:51 AM Ride Ended: 11:09 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: Unk Ending BG: Unk
Lowest Temp: 75 F Highest Temp: 83 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 12.26
Distance Walked: .6 mile (Dog Potty Trips)
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.5) MPH 7.4 MPH 20.3 MPH
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.5) MPH 7.4 MPH 20.3 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 44 mins 1 hour 39 mins 1 hour 5 mins
2 hours 44 mins 1 hour 39 mins 1 hour 5 mins
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