My trike ride this morning was actually successful in that I found some Diet Root Beer actually in stock, but it wasn't at the W.M. Big Box Store: Town & Country Market up on the freeway exit had several in stock and at a decent price.
This day was cooler because of partial cloudiness and a bit less humidity, AND the breeze was quite stiff. I'm riding low on this recumbent trike so the wind doesn't bother much even when it's head-on. In this climate we LIKE wind since it helps cool things off a bit.
I got a fair amount of work accomplished after I got home. We bought a VERY used Craftsman riding mower a month or so ago for the screaming "bargain" of $100 cash. The seller at the yard sale said all it needed was a battery, and when he jump-started it for us, we paid him pronto. It has yet to cut a blade of grass since so much of the cutting deck is in bad shape. I finally broke open the new box of deck pulleys and parts (another $100 - Plus investment) and had it all assembled and then when I cleaned more of the coated grass and gunk off it I discovered a huge vibration crack that will require welding repair. More bucks. We will have a sizable investment of money and who-knows-how much time and labor by the time it actually starts cutting grass.
Later in the evening I ran the chainsaw to cut up some fallen limbs for firewood for the garage stove when cold weather finally comes back (Hoping?).
I learned (at MY age) another new pearl of wisdom:
DON'T operate a chainsaw wearing only shorts. Don't even think about it. Anybody who does is stupid. Ouch.
Ride Started: 9:42 AM Ride Ended: 10:46 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0
Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: 148 Ending BG: 130
Lowest Temp: 75 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Distance Walked: .6 mile (Usual Dog Potty Trips)
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.00
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.6 MPH 6.3 MPH 22.0 MPH
4.6 MPH 6.3 MPH 22.0 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 4 mins 47 minutes 17 minutes
1 hour 4 mins 47 minutes 17 minutes
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