My most recent "discovery" has been that MORNING triking provides more benefit than later in the day.... Not only that, but the heat and resulting fatigue are less overwhelming. My blood sugar is lower for the rest of the day and I actually have to back off my insulin pump dosage rate the rest of the day AND night to avoid too-low blood glucose readings.
So, for the last few mornings I've ridden every day a few miles instead of missing. We'll have to see how long this behavior lasts...
Anywho, first I loaded up the trike B.O.B. trailer with all the flattened cardboard boxes we've accumulated in the last few weeks. Jacque tasked me to also take a package to be mailed to one of our nieces who just had TWINS.
We have a local cardboard recycler / collector where we take cardboard, which I hate to just throw away. Never found anyone in attendance there; just big trailers almost full of cardboard for the occasional visitor to make deposits in.
Again, nobody was home at the cardboard accumulators, and I rode on to the UPS place on the more - northern end of town. I was Shocked at the cost of shipping a small parcel weighing only a few ounces: THIRTEEN bucks. I forked over the money but will be using the Post Office Parcel Post options in the future.
I then crossed the overpass crossing US 60 to the Big Box Store with the initials W.M. in hopes of finding some Diet Root Beer, which for some reason they are always out of stock recently, undoubtedly due to the steaming hot weather evident all over the country. Sure 'nuff, they were still out of stock again today, so I bought a baking item for Jacque and took the return route to home.
I also learned that waiting until just before noon has little advantage over later in the day. I must better motivate myself -
So now I've rested and have no excuse to avoid getting something useful done around the house. BAH
Ride Started: 11:04 AM Ride Ended: 12:44 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2
Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: 168 Ending BG: 133
Lowest Temp: 75 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Distance Walked: .6 mile (Dog Potty Trips)
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.23
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.7 MPH 7.0 MPH 21.9 MPH
3.7 MPH 7.0 MPH 21.9 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 41 mins 54 minutes 48 minutes
1 hour 41 mins 54 minutes 48 minutes
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