Today's Square Route Tracking
My excuse for riding today was a letter I had to mail that wasn't picked up by our post-lady.
(She came by the house too early).
Just as I approached our close-by train crossing, the cross-arms came down and I bravely stopped and did not try to run under the arms to beat the train. (Autos routinely try it and rarely make it.)
It's a good thing I wasn't in a hurry, since this load of freight cars seemed at least a mile long.
When the end finally came screaming through the crossing, instead of a caboose there were FIVE engines pushing. I didn't notice how many were up front pulling. Tons of coal come through here daily, and no doubt even more engines might be required to get this line rolling when fully loaded.
Most drivers around here are courteous and curious, but occasionally a driver will fail to notice me when approaching an intersection in front of me, in spite of my weird clothing, blinky lights, and twin bike flags seven feet in the air. Like today, for instance. No really close calls occurred, as I always ride the brakes and give up the right o' way when necessary to save my ancient buttocks.
Our internet recently has been spotty, but today it worked long enough to record most of my tiny ride around the village square, around the corner from the Post Office.
Our climate here has warmed noticeably, leading to switching the central forced-air system in the house from heater to cooling mode. It's also been about a week since our last rain, actually allowing the ground soil to dry up a bit.
Thus so far - while in motion the passing air keeps me cool enough, but when I stop and go inside, I immediately either sit close to a cooling vent or take off a shirt or two.
Ride Started: 3:34 PM Ride Ended: 3:58 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose: 58(!) Ending BG: 84
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 1.03
Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.3 MPH 6.7 MPH 15.9 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
15 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes
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