This morning we awoke to near-freezing temperatures, falling snow, and assorted freezing drizzles.
It stayed dark, windy, cold, and wet, all morning and early afternoon as we drove to and from church meetings.
Later in the afternoon, the sun actually burned through the clouds and the weather turned positively decent, with just a bit of coolness remaining with the blue sky and sunshine.
Since my feet had been feeling better than usual all day, I queried Jacque about a tandem ride around the village square, but her tummy was a bit off key and she declined. So I dragged out the Catrike and rode off all by my lonesome.
As I rode northward, I was greeted by a familiar but unwelcome sight:
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Choo-Choo Blocking the Road |
This road had no shoulders, but it was relatively free of vehicular traffic.
That is, until a sedan passed me doing about 50 miles an hour, which struck me as rather excessive, and THEN a small black pickup roared past me doing at least SEVENTY MPH. They both gave me a wide berth as they passed, but ya have to wonder what the big hurry was all about.
Since this road was unfamiliar to me, I watched the GPS and saw an intersection ahead that should have led me back to town.... but as I pedaled onward I realized it was a lot farther away than I reckoned, and since it was already past 6:00 PM I didn't want to let the sun go down before I got home. So I turned around, after a rest stop to massage my now-complaining feets.
Not a super long ride, but what the hey... a very enjoyable finish to a day that had started out with little potential for enjoyment.
Ride Started: 6:19 PM Ride Ended: 6:56 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9 Lowest Voltage: 12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose: 198 Ending BG: 93
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 57 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.43
Distance Walked: 1/4 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.5 MPH 6.4 MPH 18.2 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
37 minutes 32 minutes 5 minutes
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