Today's Round-the-Block GPS Track
We spent the day in Springfield today attending to doctor visits which sucked half the day, and then the Sociable Security Office, which used up most of the rest of the day. I didn't realize that Social Security offices are federal installations, nor that armed guards prevent entry without going through a security check and a pass-through metal detector just like at an airport. I had to return to the vehicle outside to deposit my Gerber Multi-tool (AKA "KNIFE") and then pull all my other stuff out of my pockets for inspection before going through the metal detector. I had just found a rare empty seat to wait after obtaining my "Number", when Jacque appeared with a federal officer hot on her tail, telling her she could not enter without a security check. I guess we were all lucky she wasn't armed with a submachine gun and ill intent, since she made it all the way inside before being escorted back to the entry. My number wasn't called until more than an hours' wait. Thankfully the official who called my number made short work of my problem (replacement Card), and we were back on the road after about 15 minutes of processing. Jacque thankfully was able to drive across town and retrieve one of her Serger machines from the repair shop with plenty of time whilst I was sitting waiting for my number to come up.
It was well after 4 PM when we got home. The weather was warm and sunny and I was hot to trot out the trike and get in at least a short ride, which is what I got done...
I deliberately tried to keep it short since my feet had been hurting during the Springfield trip. I did the cool-water soak treatment until the pain had subsided a bit and took off for the ride.
At the intersection of Wall and Third Street, I was stopped waiting for a break in traffic when a local police cat turned in front of me. Both officers were staring at me and my contraption big-eyed, as if I had just landed from Mars. Cool.
So I guess I haven't been riding 'round town enough....
Ride Started: 6:25 PM Ride Ended: 6:36 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: 124 Ending BG: 84
Lowest Temp: 72 F Highest Temp: 72 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 2.36
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.2 MPH 7.0 MPH 18.0 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
23 minutes 20 minutes 3 minutes
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