This morning it was FORTY FIVE degrees here in the low hills of the Ozarks called "Mountain Grove". We had actually been under a FREEZE warning last night but thankfully that didn't materialize.
What I'd like to know is what happened to Global Warming? 45 degrees and it's almost the Middle of May. Mercy.
So it was a tad cool for trike/bike riding this morning.
However, by noonish, it had warmed up to the mid fifties and not bad at all walking outside.
Our quasi - continual remodeling resulted in a little progress trimming the master bathroom, but I quickly ran out of the necessary trim. We have more than 3 so called lumber/hardware stores in Mountain Grove, so I decided to hitch up the trike and trailer and ride around to see if I could find some more matching trim.
Unfortunately, the trim we've been using was purchased at Home Depot in Springfield, and thus far we haven't been able to find any here locally. BUT one or more of our local stores had said they would try to stock it for us, and I need excuses to ride around town for exercise and fresh air, so I hooked up the trailer and took off.
Of course none of our available stores had the desired trim, so the main intent of the riding around was foiled. BUT it had turned into a decent day, the clouds had cleared, the sun was bright, and the wind wasn't too bad. Thus it was a tiring but enjoyable ride.
Most drivers I encounter are friendly and give me a wide berth, and I try to give a big wave to all who pass me in either direction. Many are responding with big waves, which of course is encouraging since that proves they SEE me. A big help in avoiding running over or into me, haw.
Ride Started: 3:26 PM Ride Ended: 4:32 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9 Lowest Voltage: 12.9
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9 Lowest Voltage: 12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose: 289 Ending BG: 152
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.69
Distance Walked: .3 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
7.1 MPH 7.9 MPH 20 MPH
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
7.1 MPH 7.9 MPH 20 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
51 minutes 50 minutes 1 minute
51 minutes 50 minutes 1 minute
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