Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day 2013 !

Very Short APRS Loop-Tracking
We got up early and drove to White Rock (Bedroom suburb of Los Alamos)  to participate with our kids and grandkids (who live there) in the Independence Day Parade sponsored by the White Rock Ward of the LDS Church .  Wed took both our handcart, pulled in a trailer, and the tandem trike, strapped on the roof rack of the Exploder.
We rode the Terratrike in the parade while our son Jimmy pulled HIS son Daniel in the handcart for the several-block parade.  This is a yearly non-stress event put on mainly for kiddies, where cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, toddlers and grade school level children and their doting parents walk, cycle, push doll carriages, ride decorated trikes and wagons, etc, and eat a lot of Slurpies and popcorn for free afterward.
We fielded lots of questions about our trike and Tinkerbell endured countless "Oooh's!", "Ahhh's!", and "Aw, Look at the Cute Puppy" as we rolled along.  I'm not sure we even made a full mile this trip, and as slow as we were going, we got little to no aerobic exercise, but lots of fun and tons of fun chatting with hundreds of kiddos and their parents.  I also enjoyed meeting old Los Alamos friends I have not seen for 20 or more years.
Beginning Battery Voltage:  12.7        Ending Voltage: 13.0
(Guess I finally need to charge the new Lithium-Ion Battery )
Lowest Temp  77 F      Highest Temp:  84 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  0.78
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  1.4 MPH                                 2.5 MPH                    14.9 MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
  32 mins                                18 mins                        14 minutes


  1. Charge it? You've gained .3 volts! Self charging battery? ;)

  2. The odd voltage readings occur because the radio beacon only transmits every minute or so, and if I happen to be transmitting on the other radio while the beacon transmits, it will show a lower voltage at that particular time and a slightly higher voltage later... which can be confusing since it AIN'T self-charging!
