Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday Solos

Tracking Map courtesy of APRS, GPS, and Ham Radio
Jacque took her Catrike to Albuquerque today since she had some cooking to do for the Masons and I was reluctant to bring in the tandem Recumbent Trike for a warmish ride starting after lunch in the Big City.
Me?  I had a couple of parcels to ship via the Post Office - so I had a ready excuse to ride my own 2-wheeler recumbent for at least a short ride.  I got going only slightly earlier than Jacque did, but it was nice and cool and slightly cloudy.  Since Jacque now has me hooked on ICS (Ice Cream Sandwiches) I rode on up to the Corner Shell to fulfill that addiction, and I decided to put in at least a few more miles to burn off the calories and try to build up a bit more endurance for our on-and-off goal of daily weekday riding.  As I got to the Vallecitos turnoff my chain locked up during a gear-shift and I had to pull over to try to release it.  The chain had de-railed itself off the smallest cassette gear and wedged itself into the small space between cassette and axle hanger strut.  Even with my trusty Gerber plier-multitool I was unable to release it so I had to dig into the pannier and retrieve the tool set and loosen the nut holding the axle sufficiently to get the chain released.  As I struggled to get everything back together again, I noticed the derailleur was very loosey-goosey, AND the chain itself appears to be at least a few links too long:
SO, now I have 3 smallish chores to accomplish on this bike I seldom ride any more:
1-Replace the worn derailleur
2-Remove at least one or two links from the chain
3-Reprogram my GPS/APRS position beacon so it doesn't transmit so irritatingly often.
I finally got it serviceable sufficient to get home with (Hopefully) and rode on another couple miles.  The clouds above were getting darker and more threatening so I finally wimped out and turned around and honked for home.  Unfortunately,  I got home before it started raining.  I say 'unfortunately' since - as of a couple hours now - It STILL hasn't rained.  I'd rather have gotten soaked than miss a rain shower during our spotty but welcome "Monsoon".  In other parts of the world "Monsoon" means rainy season.  In Vietnam during monsoon season it rained day and night nonstop for a month or more.  Here in the Great American Southwest "Monsoon" means it rains a few drops now and then for a couple weeks, sometimes a downpour, often just enough specks of rain to allow the dirt in the air to stick to your car like it's been shot with a shotgun full of dirt.
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.0        Ending Voltage: 13.0
(I LOVE this new Lithium-Ion Battery ) , still uncharged for several days)
Lowest Temp  73 F      Highest Temp:  86 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  11.9
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  5.7 MPH                                 8.6 MPH                    26.1 MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
  2 hours 6 mins                     1 hour 22 mins            43 minutes

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