Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Sadly Triking All Alone

Today's Almost 8-mile GPS / Ham Radio Tracking

The Enthusiastic Grandson left for his New Mexico home early Monday and it likely will be a while before he gets another ride with Grandpa.  Snif...
The day after Christmas, Sunday 26 Dec turned out to be another spring-like almost balmy End-of-December day. 
On Monday, Possible weather forecasts had called for ugly, but it also was rather nice.  We had a serving dish left behind by one of our Christmas Dinner guests so I used that for an excuse to take a ride.  She only lives a few blocks away, but it's uphill to that house, thus a "breathtaking" ride even if that's the  only destination.
But I was still feeling energized after that short delivery, so I roamed around again.
While the ride was enjoyable, as usual, I noticed again that my rear derailleur control lever was sagging in spots,  It rarely would shift into the highest gear without messing around with it.  Usually I could fiddle and wiggle the lever and back-crank the pedals a bit and get it to lunge into high gear, but I made a note to myself to look it over, hopefully only needing adjustment or lube or both, after I got home.
I went to my usual northern destination, the local Big Box Store, and found most of the list I had on my dumb/smartphone.  I needed another item they didn't have. so after that I rode up another 1/8 mile or so to the local Ace Hardware (Non Big Box, so I list its actual name) and sure enough, after some wandering around, I found the necessary $4.00 item.
The homeward bound trip was a shorter route  than I usually take, but it was getting late and I'd been gone longer than usual, plus the icky shifter situation.
Jump forward to Today Tuesday and it was raining when we got up and started to pour rather serious and then cleared up and the sun  came out.  So I wanted to ride again, but decided I'd better follow up on my "good intention" of getting the consarned shifter to work more better.
Of course THAT turned into a major project involving vise, Vise-GRIPS, and busted knuckles.
The shifter cable itself turned out to be worn and frayed, and taking it apart for replacement was a MESS.  I promptly ran out of daylight, patience, and parts.  More later

Ride Started: 1:32 PM           Ride Ended:  3:37 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 57 F (!!)
Beginning Blood Glucose:  188   Ending BG: 98
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  7.9
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg          Max Speed
  3.8 MPH                              6.9 MPH            26.3  MPH
Total Trip(s) Time              Moving Time        Stopped Time
 2 hours 3 minutes             1 hour 8  mins        55  minutes 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Grand Triking with GRANDSON

 Christmas Eve GPS Trike Tracking

We have LOTS of grandchildren, some old enough to start making us into Greats.  Our YOUNGest grandson came to visit us for this Christmas Holiday, and brought his parents as well.
Only 6 years of age, he was a perfect holiday brightener, smiling, telling jokes, helping read scripture Christmas verses in the evenings, and almost continually humming Christmas Carols.  What a guy.
AND, in spite of the odds, he JUMPED at the chance to take a ride with Grandpa in the B.O.B. trike trailer.  Squealed with delight as we zoomed around, commenting at all the bumpy spots and potholes in the pavement, he did.  What a guy.
On Christmas Eve, our so called Winter Weather had us at sunny skies and record breaking balmy temperatures reaching a tad over 70.  Wonderful weather for zooming around on the trike.
Before their arrival I had worried that he might not fit the trailer "safety seat" without modification, which I was more than willing to do if necessary.  But his skinny butt fit perfectly.  No Problem.

We first took a short round - the - block to see how he liked the trailer ride, and his enthusiasm led to a few more miles.  Grandma and his parents had driven to our local Big Box Store on the north end of town.  A common destination for many of my trike trips as well.  So we took the long way around to get there too, avoiding the worst of the last minute Holiday traffic.  We arrived at the front of the store just as the fam was leaving.  We enjoyed a short reunion and instead of entering the crowded Big Box, we returned to our cruising.  We had to stop at least a couple of times for Grandpa to juice up his blood sugar.  I was a bit more bushed than usual the rest of the day but it was WELL worth the effort.
We later took a couple extra short rides for this & that.reasons....
He bragged to his parents that "We went on THREE trike rides today!!"
That was Christmas Eve.  Christmas Day we spent oohing and ahh-ing over various presents, goodies, and Grandma's Christmas Feast.  No Triking, though of course it would have helped Grandpa's blood sugar.
Today, the day after Christmas, was a bit cloudy and cooler but still good enough weather for another ride after Church - before they leave early in the morning trying to beat forecasts of incoming rainy weather.
No heroic riding this time, but still smiley and helping Grandparents enjoy life.
Now he can brag about FOUR rides with Goofy Grandpa. 

Christmas Eve:
Ride Started: 9:06 AM           Ride Ended:  5:02 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  218   Ending BG: 88
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  7.46
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg          Max Speed
  2.8 MPH                              5.3 MPH            22.3  MPH
Total Trip(s) Time              Moving Time        Stopped Time
 2 hours 38 minutes           1 hour 24  mins     1 hour 14  mins 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Warm Triking in December ??

Windy Wednesday Wandering GPS Track 

My sore feet had an appointment with Wally at our local California Nail Salon this morning.
Of course I wanted to use it for an excuse to ride the Catrike, but the weather was looking a tad ugly, with high wind warnings for the entire day supposedly.
AND, in spite of it being Middle December, temperatures are almost spring-like.  Warm air meeting Cold Air can produce those nasty things called Shelf Clouds and Tornadoes.  BAH.  Nothing yet, thankfully.
When I walked the doggies this morning, it was sopping wet outside even though it was NOT raining, and in spite of heavy cloud cover.  I waited another half hour before leaving, but still no rain appeared, so I took off on the trike.
Wally is of Vietnamese extraction, and is a master manipulator of feet and toes.  As I think I have mentioned before, he has transformed my warped and discolored feet and toenails into presentable condition, and has radically transformed my rotting toenails.  Jacque had to hound me into trying out this "nail salon", and in spite of my redneck attitudes about "Such Things", I am no a Believer.  His foot treatments have far better results than my Podiatrist, who is a certified Medical Doctor.  Truth.  Believe it.
While being worked on by this talented young fellow, a little red headed girl who was not-so-patiently accompanying her Auntie who was getting her fingernails primped across the room started making noises that impatient youngsters often exhibit.  Her Auntie tried to shush her, but she wasn't really bothering the rest of us.  She started peeking around from her chair and turned out to be a super-cutie 3-year old redhead.  I couldn't resist making funny faces at her.  It wasn't long  before she started calling me "Paw Paw" every time she turned around to look at me.  That of course is REALLY hard to take, being called "Paw Paw" by cute kiddos.  Made my day.
Speaking of which, the clouds never seemed to go away, but continued to look threatening without producing raindrops.   Thankfully.  But the forecast wind fulfilled predictions and was at times unpleasant to deal with, especially when hitting it head-on.
My homemade extended visor on my bike helmet is fabricated from wonderful material:  Plastic Yellow Oil Can.  Which normally works fine but is a bit too flexible in high winds. and when it flops Down in my face in high gusts it partially blocks my vision.  So I need to exercise my engineering skills and find some better junk material to fashion it from.
About halfway home, a fellow passed me in his pickup and, stopping at the intersection in front of us, got out and started telling me about his Dad or Grand-Dad  who is also a recumbent cyclist who is actually one of those around-the-world travelers.  His name is Bird or Byrd, but so far I haven't been able to find him  in so-called Social Media.
More Good Folks.....

Ride Started: 9:05 AM           Ride Ended:  11:04 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 60 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  118   Ending BG: 138
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.27
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  2.7 MPH                              7.0 MPH            22.9  MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 58 minutes                 45  minutes         1 hour 12  mins

Friday, December 10, 2021

Good Folks

 Yesterday's GPS tracking

My buddy Jack-Jack came over to the house yesterday.  He came expecting a  Trike & Trailer ride, but it was pretty cool and unfavorable for such an endeavor.  His Momma was sewing with Jacque in that new fangled Sewing Room, so Jack was occupied for a while watching cartoons.
When the cartoon ended, the sun had come out, and it was quite a bit warmer in spite of a bit of gusty wind.  His Momma agreed it was an acceptable time for a trike ride, since she was still in the middle of a sewing project.
After dragging the trike and trailer outside, we bundled up and took off.  


After pedaling around fairly aimlessly, we decided to do a loop around the Town Square.  There is lots of construction and de-struction going on there, what with the tearing down 2 or 3 fire-damaged buildings ongoing. 
As I admired the worker and machine activity, Jack got bored.  He turned around looking for something interesting and immediately spotted the Mountain Grove Pharmacy and Soda Fountain.  He has been there before, and evidently had fond memories of the previous treat he'd encountered there.  Jack is a young man of few words, but he exclaimed loudly:  "ICE CREAM!  ICE CREAM !"  So we went.
My blood sugar was a bit too high so I drank a glass of ice water, slowly, as Jack struggled to gulp down the rather oversized bowl of ice cream he'd been served.  
There were several old duffers (maybe almost as old as ME) already at various tables, and several tried to make conversation with my overly cute buddy.  Being, again, of few words, and with a mouth full of ice cream, he didn't pay too much attention to them.
About halfway through his ice cream, one of the couples arose to leave.  I was surprised when the nice gray haired lady bent over to Jack's side of the table and asked me "Would it be Okay if I did something?"
I assumed she was going to flirt with Jack, but instead she pressed a handful of dollar bills in my hand and said "I want to pay for his Ice Cream".  I started to protest that we didn't "need" any help that way.
I also remembered a few times that "I" tried to be generous to someone and was rebuffed.
So I swallowed my pride and told her Thank You and Merry Christmas.
Folks around here seem to be more generous than some places we've experienced, even though this does not seem to be an overly prosperous area.  I was struck again at the generosity of so many of the people we meet.  There are certainly more Good People around than there are Bad ones.
Anyway, I sure wish I knew this lady's name so I could brag on her a little better.

Ride Started: 10:23 AM           Ride Ended:  11:35 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  185   Ending BG: 165
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  0.89
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  5.5 MPH                              8.4 MPH            13.4  MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 9 minutes 41 secs                6  mins 21 secs    3  mins 21 seconds

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Playing Catch-Up

 I was mildly shocked to realize how long it's been since I recorded anything in this dingie bloggie thingie.
Almost a month, weird.  We've been busy, so maybe I could use that for an excuse for laxity.
I still ride around on my trike, usually every other day or so.  A poor showing for my "goal" of riding - at least a mile or two - every day.  OH Well.
Here are a few mileage reports from the GPS on the Catrike :

2.18 miles
3.23 miles
1.25 miles
1.89 miles
5.37 miles
6.23 miles
1.13 miles
1.01 miles

We've had wonderfully mild warm weather up until about 5 December.   We confess if this is global warming, we LIKE it.
Trouble is, winter temps strike intermittently and often without warning.  Our last 2 days have been freezing, and uncomfortable.
We went to NC to pick up a 3-year old Air Conditioner/Heat Pump system from Jacque's cousing and then to Tennessee for Thanksgiving, our first out of town trips in quite a while.  Our Ford heater had died, and the temperatures were COLD, and driving long distances with quilts on our laps was not all that enjoyable, though we surely enjoyed the visits.
We got home safe and sound in spite of ourselves, so we give thanks to Heavenly Father for preserving us in our old age - so far.
Sunday last, 5 December, 'twas sunny but cool, so in the afternoon after Church we dragged out our trikes for a short ride around our town square.  We didn't get very far before I noticed an unnatural rumble/Pop/Thump, so I finally pulled over to see if I had something stuck on one of my wheels.
Nothing found on the tires, BUT the rear tire was almost totally FLAT, causing the noise as the almost airless rubber met the road unevenly.  I tried to ride slowly and carefully back to the house, but had to give up and lift the rear of the trike and drag it home with the rear tire held above the ground.
I spent Monday removing the cumbersome tire with the greasy gears in the way, painfully removing the tube with  the hole in it, and installing a new tube.  I normally prefer putting in a new tube rather than trying to successfully patch a wounded tube.
I was able to do the check-ride thing with it shortly afterward, and it passed inspection.
It was cold enough to require a quick grab of winter riding accessories.

GPS Track: 

Ride Started: 4:26 PM           Ride Ended:  4:36 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0
Lowest Temp: 35 F Highest Temp: 39 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  158   Ending BG: 65
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  0.89
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  5.5 MPH                              8.4 MPH            13.4  MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 9 minutes 41 secs                6  mins 21 secs    3  mins 21 seconds

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Weather Blessings, great cycling

 Monday Madness Tracking

Terrific Tuesday Travels 

 Well, let's see if I can remember much from the last couple days.  I DO sometimes get other things done besides Recumbent Tricycle riding, but rarely anything as interesting like digging holes, walking the dogs, raking leaves, picking up the dreaded Black Walnuts, etc, etc.

Yesterday, Monday, I got the bright idea to change the oil in our Exploder .  I rode the trike with B.O.B. trailer up to the Big Box store to get the necessary oil.  I already had a new oil filter in the garage on the shelf so I didn't need to buy another one.
Of course, when I got home and drained the gunk out, the "new oil filter" I had turned out to be the wrong one.  SO I pedaled furiously back up north to O'Reilly's, which was more expensive than the Big Box store, but closer, and the Sun  was starting to get low in the sky.  Their "Book" prescribed the SAME filter I already had on hand, but it certainly wasn't going to fit any better than that one.  The filter I'd removed from the V8 was a Fram PH-8 so I asked the counter kid to look up a match for that - Unfortunately O'Reilly's doesn't sell Frams.  Counter Youngster found a match, brought it to me grumping, saying it wouldn't fit since it wasn't the one listed for it.  He told me, more cheerfully, that I could bring it back for an exchange when I found it wasn't the correct filter.
Of course when I pedaled furiously back and installed the "incorrect" filter it fit perfectly.
When we purchased this Exploder yo so many years ago, we thought it was original and stock.  It's been a great buggy for us, but things like this make me wonder if the engine has been swapped or ??
I guess it doesn't help that it's 24 years old and doesn't even show up on the store catalogs.  Who knows?  Evidently Fram does...
TODAY I rode almost the same route to get my gnarled feet worked on at California Nails , but thankfully I didn't forget anything (that I can remember!) and didn't have to make the trip twice.
Oh, yeah, the weather.  It's definitely cruising into late fall and we've had a couple of mild freezes recently, but the mild SUNNY days we've had recently are not only fabulous, they are likely dangerous if they lull me into postponing winter preparations.

Monday Ride Started: 10:55 AM           Ride Ended:  4:41 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  154   Ending BG: 90
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  8.76
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  3.1 MPH                              6.5 MPH            21.9 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 2 hours  47 minutes              1 hour 20 mins    1 hour  26 minutes

Tuesday Ride Started: 9:07 AM           Ride Ended:  10:47 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 68 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  158   Ending BG: 65
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.46
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  3.2 MPH                              6.6 MPH            21.9 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour  41 minutes               49 minutes          52 minutes


Friday, November 12, 2021

No Sunscreen Today

 Technology Trike Tracking Through Town

Dateline Thursday, 11 Nov 2021, Veterans Day:  51 (!) years since I came home safely from Vietnam

Enough of that.  It was also very windy and nippy out, though the sun was shining.  Cold enough such that when I got ready to ride the Trike, I added two layers to my upper torso just for grins.  And to avoid shivers.  It worked pretty well.  Covered so well that almost no sunshine could "attack" my skin, so no "lotion" was required.  Earlier this year I rode several times in short pants and short sleeves, and a few times with open sandals with no socks.  Such behavior kept me cooler at the time but I had never before experienced sunburn on my FEET.  Ouch.  Which prompted me to be more faithful about applying sunscreen, but not this time.
I pedaled around a couple different streets this trip, though headed (of course) for our local Big Box Store.
The wind wasn't much fun, but since it stayed mostly in one direction, it wasn't so bad on the way back home.
I arrived successfully at the store, parked the trike, and made my purchases. 
When I walked back outside, the wind was even gustier than before, making me really happy to have the additional layers of shirt and jacket. I unlocked the trike from the storeside rack.  As I reached to put my sunglasses back on, they were nowhere to be found.  I normally hang them on the instrument pedestal on the front of the trike, but they just weren't there.
Riding a bike, even without stiff headwinds, is no picnic without protective glasses or goggles of some kind.  So I spent some time looking all over the trike, checking my multiple pockets, no luck.
Wondering if it was possible for any passerby to steal the well-used specs, I looked and looked. 
Finally I dug out my clear wind-goggles, and as soon as I sat down on the trike, I spotted my missing sunglasses:  About 100 feet away across the parking lot.  Gleefully pedaling over to them, I was sadly disappointed:

These were my glasses, all right, evidently sailed so far by the wind...... but evidently the nearby truck had run over them.  SIGH
On the way home, trying to avoid looking too closely toward the sun, I stopped at an intersection and waited for a young lady to cross the street with her dog.  They turned the same direction as I did and I was shocked when they caught up with me quickly and started to PASS me.  It turned out the gal wasn't walking, she was skateboarding, and she and her dog were making GREAT time.  I pedaled harder to try to stay ahead of them, but only rough pavement slowed them sufficiently for me to go on without them.  After all, it's one thing to be outrun by an Electric bike..... But a skateboard ??  BAH I say.
As I gleefully pulled away from this pair, the trike started making a scritchy noise like something was dragging off the back.  I rounded a corner at another intersection and dismounted to see what was wrong NOW.  It was only a extra long twig with a big fall leaf on it that had caught itself in the bike frame and thus generating the irritating sound.  Easy fix, thankfully.

Ride Started: 2:18 PM           Ride Ended:  3:55 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  154   Ending BG: 90
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  7.65
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  3.7 MPH                              6.6 MPH            27.5 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 2 hours  3 minutes              1 hour 9 mins     54 minutes

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

BEAUTIFUL Day for a Ride

 The Usual GPS Tracking via Ham Radio and APRS

Correction:  I misspoke about Jacque's riding history.  I'm STILL proud of her effort today - -

Today dawned without sunshine, but was not at all threatening.  I got a few things done and then Jacque got notice she had a couple of prescriptions waiting at our local Big Box store, giving me a great excuse for a ride longer than "Just around the block".
I got a couple things done on the New Sewing Room:
- I got the big door installed on its Barn Door Slide Bar.
- Then I got the handles and guide wheel set up;
- Then I had to take the Door back down and recess the inside handle so it would clear properly.
By this time I was more than ready for a ride to stretch my legs.
Jacque, of a sudden, decided she also wanted to ride across town with me.  Nothing unusual about that except she hasn't ridden more than a couple miles in over a year.
Well, she loves the stretching in her own legs when we've taken short rides together, and she can always turn around if she gets too tired.  Just like I can....
So she took off on her Catrike several minutes before I did, assuming I would quickly catch up with her.
I went a slightly different direction, dropping off a small bag of surplus castoffs at the local Thrift Store.
I caught up with her, all right..... Eventually.  She had a tall "Don't Tread on Me" Gadsden snake flag on the back of her trike -

 Gadsden Flag (Dont tread On Me Yellow) 12 X 18 inch with grommets

and I finally spotted it, almost a quarter mile ahed after my "vigorous" pedaling.
We made it to the Big Box store after crossing the US 60 overpass and, as we rolled into the parking lot I was a few feet ahead of Jacque and I heard a small commotion as I approached the bike stand to park the trikes.  I dismounted and turned around to a most amazing sight:

- About the CUTEST little punkin we've bumped into in at least a few hours...
We didn't catch this friendly little beauty's name.  She had jumped loosed from her Mama's hand and chased after me when I passed her without seeing her.  She then spotted Jacque who opened up her arms and said "You want to ride with ME??"  Upon which the toddler jumped into Jacque's lap and rode the rest of the 100 feet or so to the bike rack where I was parked.  We were so tickled to meet her, I didn't even THINK about my GoPro camera or the cellphone camera until she was safely back in her Mom's shopping cart.
As per our usual habit, we had arrived shortly after One-ish, meaning the Pharmacy was "Closed for Lunch" until somewhere around 2:00 PM.  So we got to wait again.
After a bit of wandering around, I sat down on a pharmacy waiting bench to rest my tired feets for a bit ...... and waited what seemed to be quite a while.   Jacque texted me that she was going home without me, since she rides slower and we only needed one body to sit around and wait for the pills.
"Promptly" at 2:00, the pharmacists arrived and cranked open the windows, and after letting a couple of ladies go ahead of me, I finally got the prescriptions and saddled up to go home.
This was SUCH a pretty day for riding.  The sun didn't show its face until just before sundown, but it was just cool enough to be pleasant without a sprinkle of rain.   AND I was SO proud that sweet Jacque had made such "Big Time" mileage with only a bit of sore feet to show for it.

Ride Started: 12:52 PM           Ride Ended:  2:50 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 61 F Highest Temp: 68 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  225   Ending BG: 107
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  6.07
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  3.2 MPH                              5.2 MPH            23.1 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 54  minutes            1 hour 10 mins     44 minutes

Monday, November 8, 2021

Odd Tripper

 Route Previousyly Unexplored?

I surprised myself this morning - finding I had neglected to record several recent "Bike Trips" in this blog.
I parenthesize Bike Trips, as a means of minimizing their importance in a world where several other cycling enthusiasts are riding USA coast to coast, and even a precious few who are trying to circumnavigate the globe.
Howesomever, since even my minor forays into the area seem to help with my aging bod, regulate diabetical blood sugar, and even Elevate my MOOD, I proffer a few remarks for friends and family bored enough to read my driving drivel.  Let's see, did my GHS Bulldog English teacher Mrs. Smith call any of that alliteration?  More likely:  drivel.

Fall has arrived here in the Ozarks along with cooler weather, and a couple of frost warnings.  The last few days have been sunny and mild, leaving me with no excuse for not riding more often.
Sure, I'm retired, but the "projects" and "chores" tend to pile up.  The older I get, it seems that I'll never get caught up with the yard maintenance, house maintenance, car maintenance..... BAH.
Saturday the 6th, day before yesterday, I did dig the Catrike out of the garage and got in a couple miles.
Sweet Wife  instructed me to pick up some hot dogs at the grocery store near us, so that was my first stop.
Afterwards, I detoured a bit from my usual route and rode a loop through some streets I had not "done" before.  As usual, the ride opened up my lungs, improved my pulse rate, lowered my blood glucose a bit, and I felt more alive and alert when I got home.  

Which is a Wonderful Thing.

Ride Started: 3:38 PM           Ride Ended:  4:40 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 72 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  205   Ending BG: 128
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.37
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  2.5 MPH                              4.3 MPH            13.4 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
   33  minutes                        19 minutes         14 minutes

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Unwanted Interruptions

Monday's abortive Track

This is another of my day late and a dollar short posts.  Whatever.
Monday, i.e., yesterday, was wet, dark, windy, and cold.
No rain was falling at the time so I saddled up the Catrike and B.O.B. trailer to take a package to the Post Office as well as a couple bags of STUFF for the local Thrift Store.
I barely got out of the yard and onto the paved street when I noticed a distinct rubba-rubba-Thump.  At first I figured it must be bumps in the pavement, not uncommon in our neck of the woods.  I pedaled a few more yards and the annoying noise continued, with no evident cracks or bumps in the road.  I checked the trailer tire, suspecting it might be low.  It was fine.  When I checked the rear tire on the Trike, it was sadly almost totally flat.  By now I was almost 100 yards from home, and the process of dragging the trike and trailer back to the garage was not easy nor pleasant.  With the flat rear tire, the trike kept trying to overturn while being dragged, and the wet and slop helped with unpleasantness.
Now it was actually precipitating, and it was not helping the process or my surly mood.   I finally got the Schrader adapter on the Presta valve stem and eventually was able to get some air into the tire at 45 PSI.  Then it was a struggle to find where I'd laid my gloves, and a few other mis-steps, and finally I was on my way again.  The moisture did not soak me clear through, and I suffered no other interruptions as I wimped along.
Got home OK, trike and trailer safely back into shelter in the garage, built a fire in the garage wood stove.....

Life is Good.

Ride Started: 12:12 PM           Ride Ended:  12:34 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 47 F Highest Temp: 50 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  205   Ending BG: 98
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.37
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  2.5 MPH                              4.3 MPH            13.4 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
   33  minutes                        19 minutes         14 minutes

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Necessary Travel?

 Wednesday Wandering GPS Track

We received an anxiously awaited Amazon purchase on Wednesday, but were disappointed to find the plastical envelope was quite empty.  On closer examination we found the side of the envelope was open, either cut or improperly sealed before mailing.
So we went through the painful procedure of getting an exchange:  Empty envelope for a properly filled envelope.  Hopefully.

We were instructed to print a return label on the torn envelope and turn it in at the nearest UPS outfit.
Thus I had a reason to ride, so to speak.
It was later in the afternoon by the time I was able to take the trike trip, but it was uneventful.  I was more tired than usual and the ride was not as enthusiastic as usual.

Ride Started: 2:58 PM           Ride Ended:  3:49 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 71 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  185   Ending BG: 79
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  4.43
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  4.9 MPH                              6.5 MPH            20.0 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
   54  minutes                        41 minutes         13 minutes

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Enjoying Great Weather While it Lasts

 Tracking Link via GPS and Ham Radio

I've been daily waddling around butchering wood, painting, sweeping floor, yada yada.  Every other day or so I ride at least a few blocks on the Catrike to run an errand or two.  Seldom do I get a really good "cardio" ride in, but even short rides stir up my circulation and improve my grumpy moods.  Of course when I get home, it takes a while to cool off and rest my sore feets.  But it's worth it.  Just ask anyone.
I've missed several good days for riding, trying to make better headway on the Sweet Wifey's sewing room addition.  It's not HER fault;  since she continually encourages me to get out and ride.  Might have something to do with the mood lift thing.
On Sunday, two days ago, after Church, we All went for a short ride around the town square (a few blocks away) on the Terratrike Tandem .

Today was an unusually mild, sunny, pleasantly warm but cool, and I committed myself to get some gaps in the new room wall paint touched up, and take a break for a ride.
Of course all this took much longer than I'd imagined.  Very frustrating to take at least 10 times the effort to get even simple tasks done - that used to be far less tiring and difficult.
I got out the trike and trailer since the Boss had accumulated two almost - full bags of surplus stuff to take to our nearby Thrift Store.  That destination was only about 4 blocks away, just across the railroad tracks.  I had no other "excuses" to ride anywhere except for sunshine and oxygen.  Thus most of my pedaling was with an empty B.O.B. trailer behind me.  Not a big deal since it pulls very easily, mostly noticeable when carrying a load.... uphill.
I even wore regular length long pants, and did not get too overheated.
I thought about stopping to shop for a few items at our sole Big Box Store, but it's too close to the end of the month and the bank account is suffering so I passed it by.
I stopped to rest a couple times in the shade along the way, so this was no speed ride.  Hah - it would make HEADLINES if I ever managed a "speedy" ride.
My new Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) insulin pump warned me when my blood sugar got too low, so during one break on the way home I snarfed a cookie.  YUM
I need to do such rides, and even longer ones, to build up my strength.  Did I mention even a short ride lowers my blood sugar for most of the remainder of the day and night?
Hopefully I can sleep well tonight.  God is GOOD...

Ride Started: 1:43 PM           Ride Ended:  3:04 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 67 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  165   Ending BG: 97
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  6.36
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  4.7 MPH                              5.9 MPH            23.2 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 20  minutes              1 hour 4 mins      16 minutes

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

OutRun by a BIKE

 Tracking Courtesy of Ham Radio and GPS

 My sweet wife encouraged me to a trike ride this morning, noting that it was overcast but rain was only forecast for later in the day at around 11:00 AM.
I had a couple good "excuses"  to ride a little, such as mailing a small package to one of our 9-year old Church Primary kiddos.  Also we had a trash sack full of odds and ends to take to the closest Thrift store, so I hitched up the Catrike and B.O.B. trailer and set off.
The weather was cloudy and cooler than usual.  As I turned on to North Main and started approaching the railroad crossing, I spotted an unusual sight in my rear view mirror:  Another CYCLIST coming up behind me.  Seeing he wasn't gaining on me all that fast, I did the studly thing and pedaled furiously myself, hoping to stay ahead of him.  Hey, that's what we do when driving cars, too, right?  RIGHT??
He evidently had similar ideas of his own, and approached rapidly in spite of my urgent efforts.  When he got close up behind me, about to pass, I heard a mechanical high pitched whine - and realized he was on an ELECTRIC bike. 
In less than a second or so, he was around and ahead of me, pretending to ignore my supposedly sarcastic attempts to exchange waves.  SIGH -
I spent the hard earned money for the overpriced postage, then set off again to deposit my trailer load of castoffs at the Thrift Store.
It was only about 3 small-town blocks away.  As I prepared to cross the street to enter the thrift store parking lot, it suddenly began to RAIN. 
Now, I'm not opposed to a little sprinkle, but I was getting pretty soggy as I tried to make haste toward the building, hoping to find shelter.
Sure enough, their sidewalk appeared to be dry and safely under the overhang of the building's roof.  Unfortunately, there was no ramp and I had to twist and turn and grimace as I struggled to get the trike/trailer up across the 4" high sidewalk.
I finally got it up with a few hiccups and weird twists and turns.  Hopefully no one caught a video of the awkward performance. 
AND - Of COURSE - The rain immediately STOPPED once I was safely under the overhang.  And it hasn't rained all day SINCE, in spite of the "definite" forecast of rain later onward.
So I dumped my cargo and rode the short trip home.  Short ride, big fun.

Ride Started: 9:58 AM           Ride Ended:  10:20 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 68 F Highest Temp: 68 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  220   Ending BG: 98
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.08
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  1.4 MPH                              5.5 MPH             12.5 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 19 minutes                           12 minutes          7 minutes

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

COOL - It's FALL (officially)

 Today's GPS tracking

It rained yesterday dampening enthusiasm for pedaling around town.
This morning dawned cool and beautifully sunny, and I had the itch to get in a ride before it got too warmish.  Jacque had a shopping item for me to use for an excuse so I gladly saddled up and toddled away.
I haven't been riding "full circles" around town recently, due to time restraints (and enthusiasm).  A few weeks ago I had looked at our big city map (Pop. ~ 4500) and spotted a few connecting streets that would enclose a larger perimeter to ride.
Today I felt a little friskier than usual and decided to try out the slightly longer route.
The weather was lovely except for a VERY stiff headwind much of the trip.  It was only 51 degrees after we first awoke today and even though the sun was high and bright, it was downright cool.  I had to button up the top buttons on my shirt for the first time since spring, goodness gracious me....
I had not been around these streets, at least for long enough for me to remember.
These local neighborhoods are usually enjoyable to wander through, and these were quite enjoyable.
EXCEPT for a huge dip in the roadway that I had to ride the brakes going downhill, and get clear down into Grandma Gear to make the last quarter mile of uphill grade.
I survived the climb, thankfully.  After all, exercise is good for you, right?  RIGHT?
As I coasted down the other side of the hill, I spotted an enjoyable sight.

                               You don't see many of THESE parked outside

Unless my eyes deceive me, that's a 1955 Mercury.  I think it showed up at our local car show a week or so ago.  I first passed by without stopping to photograph it, then decided I might miss out if I didn't turn around.
Before returning home, I checked my blood sugar and since it was dropping rapidly, I forced myself to eat one of Jacque's emergency cookies she baked for me.
We got in a short after - supper tandem trike ride this evening as well, just across the tracks and around the village square.  Less than a mile, but good huffing and puffing anyway.

Ride Started: 11:13 AM           Ride Ended:  12:43 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  233   Ending BG: 108
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  7.01
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  4.6 MPH                              6.0 MPH            23.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 30 mins                    1 hour  10 mins    20 minutes

Friday, September 17, 2021

Hauling Propane or ??

 Thursday Travel GPS Tracking 

On Sept 16 (yesterday) my buddy Jack came over to visit, so I dragged out the Catrike and B.O.B. (Boy On Board) trailer. 
I didn't have much steam on board (bodily energy), so we only pedaled around a neighborhood I hadn't ridden before.  A little over 2 miles.  Big Deal.  Jack is a big fan of stopping to play at playgrounds, and every time we passed an empty lot or empty field lush with grass he yelled "PLAYGROUND!!" but - since we spotted none with playground equipment to romp upon - we kept going.

Jack's scowl from returning so soon from a trike ride with Grandpa Jim - He cheered up with the offer of an Icey Fruity Bar treat

After riding home and resting up a bit, I remembered Jacque had run  out of propane in our gas powered barbecue.  Since I had left the trike and trailer hooked up outside in the shade, I decided to make the short run to the local Dollar Store to get the tank exchanged.

The propane tank fit in the trailer nicely, and unlike Jack, didn't try to wiggle loose from the "seatbelt".  It also wasn't quite as heavy as Jack, until of course I got the full exchange tank loaded.... which DID slow me down a bit, but I made it home OK anyway.

Ride Started: 9:30  AM           Ride Ended:  12:40 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 67 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  212   Ending BG: 102
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:   4.33
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  4.3 MPH                              5.6 MPH            14.6 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 1  minute                 46 minutes         14 minutes

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wednesday Morning Exercise

 Today's GPS Tracking via APRS Ham Radio

 I had an appointment today at our local California Nail salon to get my nasty toenails trimmed and pampered.  Our guy Wally does a better job on my sore feets than my podiatrist - who also does the best he can.
The appointment was at 9:15 AM so I put on "decent" clothes ( not my normal 'work' clothes that are frayed worn, torn, and stained ).
This establishment is only about a mile from home, so it's a good excuse to drag out the trike for a ride.
This morning dawned cool and breezy, after a night of predicted rain that didn't happen.  I saddled up and huffed and puffed up to the storefront.  I parked in the shade in front and swaggered ( don't mention staggered ) to the door and found it LOCKED.  I noticed the "Hours" sign in the front window said 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
So I sat meself back down in the comfy trike seat and proceeded to wait.
About 9:40 or so I began to wonder if something was kaput, so I got up to call Jacque on the phone and - while conversing with her - noticed a paper taped in the door glass stating they were unavoidably closed for today, as both proprietors were suffering colds, headaches, cough, fever, etc, which sounds a lot like our current Politically Charged Pandemic COVID.
Here's hoping they recover soon, like most do.
I rode back home on the outer edges of paved town roads and was glad for the ever - necessary excuse to go for a ride.

Ride Started: 8:54 AM           Ride Ended:  10:13 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.5
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  190   Ending BG:  119
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:   4.63
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  3.4 MPH                              6.3 MPH            19.3 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 21  minutes               44 minutes          37 minutes

Friday, August 13, 2021

Hot & Muggy & Buggy

 GPS Track ~ Works Now and Then

The Usual Big Box run, minus the Missouri Hot Sun.  Most of the time....
I had to pick up a prescription for today's ride, and against all odds the sky was slightly overcast and slightly cooler.  Greatly appreciated of course.
My diabetic feet were complaining more than usual today but riding and pedaling is easier than standing and walking, and us guys can only sit around and loaf for just so long before guilt drives us into action.
Big Box stores are wonderful, except when they aren't.
I arrived safe and sound at about 12:55 PM and after masking up and showing up at the renowned pharmacy, I found a sizable line a-waiting fruitlessly in front of several windows totally shuttered.  Several of us examined the "Pharmacy Hours" sign and saw the stated 12:00 - 1:00 noon lunch time.  No staggered lunch hour for the several workers, it must be a law that they all have to eat at the same time.
Obviously, customers should just wander the aisles and buy other stuff while waiting.
Of course the stated 1:00 PM lunch time was just a guesstimate.  My feet were complaining, of course, so I sat on an unoccupied cardboard box of something.
At the 20 minute mark, more or less, the windows finally opened and we all lined up again to gain attention. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Dodging Traffic

Tuesday's GPS Tracked Route

 I don't get away with skipping exercise.....
Yesterday we needed some necessities from the Big Box enterprise on the north end of town.  Jacque had a sewing lesson going and a bushel of green beans awaiting her canning efforts, so it was a good excuse to get off my butt and take the Catrike for a ride.
We're undergoing a heat wave, with a few violent showers recently that cooled things down a tad.  Sunday's Shower Photo:

                                When it Rained, it POURED-  and sideways

 However, Tuesday was bright and sunny (!) so I was motivated to ride in the morning instead of late afternoon.
Temperatures weren't too terrible, with a little breeze, and as usual, getting out and working up a sweat pedaling huff-puff improved my mood and helped clear some of the fog out of my skull.  I WAS disappointed to notice that I was a bit slower than usual, and just have to blame it on not riding every day.
Locals have taken to greeting me with "HEY!!  How 'bout a RIDE?" when I pass them on the street.  One of these times I'm going to take them up on the request...
It was close to noonish when I rounded the bend to the intersection of Highway 95 and McDonalds.  I had to wait several minutes for a long line of cars to clear the roadway before I could make my own entry on 95 and cross the overpass leading to Big Box Store.  After several cars went by, a kind motorist slowed and waved me into the intersection, which was totally unexpected but mightily appreciated.
Arrived at Big Box safe and sound.  I didn't have too much trouble finding the items on my list, in spite of their recent habit of moving stuff around every few days - evidently in hopes we lackless shoppers will wander around more and spend a little more money on stuff we weren't looking for.
My sunny attitude was adjusted for the worse when I saddled up and started crossing the lot toward the exit.  A dreaded SUV crossed directly in front of me, forcing an abrupt stop.  The driver either totally ignored me or failed to glance a few feet ahead to see if anyone might be in his path.  "Female Driver", I grumped to myself, but it was just an old duffer just like me.  BAH
Got home safe and sound anyway.  Thank God for brakes.  Even if "I" have to use mine.

Ride Started: 10:27 AM           Ride Ended:  11:44 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 75 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  169   Ending BG:  97
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.22
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  4.2 MPH                              6.9 MPH            20.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 15  minutes               45 minutes          30 minutes

Monday, August 2, 2021

Babe in the Woods

 Today's GPS Travel Tracking

 Well, slow progress continues on the New Sewing Room, which I often use for an excuse for not whizzing slowly around town  more often on my Catrike .

Sundays are a welcome day off, and especially so yesterday since we were both a tad tired out.  We realized again that Jacque had a prescription waiting for her at our local Big Box Store, and I volunteered to use that for an excuse to actually get out on the trike again this morning.
It had cooled off quite a bit from last week's Upper 90's and humidity to match, and my scheme was to take off early this morning before it got too hot.
As usual, I distracted myself and took off much later than "planned".  One distraction was the mild cloud cover - making it even cooler than normal, fooling my brain (what's left of it) into thinking I had plenty of time to take a cooler ride.
Cloud cover DID protect me somewhat all the way to the Big Box, and I didn't even apply sunscreen.  (Yeah, I know, cloudy days are NOT protection from sun cooking the skin)

There was a middle aged fellow there at the Box's bike rack working on his bike, but he ignored me as I spoke a greeting when I walked past him to the Store Door.  When I came out to leave, he was still there, putzing away with something on his bike.  He was struggling with some sort of hardware, so I spoke again to him, saying I had tools on board the Catrike that he could use if needed.
This time he responded in friendly fashion and I dug out some of my wrenches to help him out. 
Turns out he had just now purchased this bike - Big Box Style - and had found it difficult to ride and was trying to install a gel-cushion seat and a cargo bracket on it. 
It also turned out he had almost NO experience riding bikes of any style.
He appeared to be between 50-60 years of age.  He was a homeless dude.  He walked from place to place and saw cyclists and thought to himself "That looks easy, I think I'll buy a bike!"

He had purchased a mountain bike a couple weeks ago and awkwardly ridden it 60 miles and - having never ridden before - decided he needed to trade it in on a "normal" bike.  Here he was, trying to rig up a brand new bike, with no experience riding or maintaining, and no real tools on hand.
I wound up spending almost 45 minutes or so handing him tools and trying to help him install the new seat and cargo bracket, and helping him adjust the seat to a comfortable riding height.  He had ridden 60 miles fitfully on the mountain bike and still had trouble balancing while pedaling, and even asked me if I thought they made training wheels for adult bikes.  I assured him that training wheels were a waste of time and money, based on my limited experience with them 60+ years ago.
We finally got his seat at a comfortable height and angle, and I tried to encourage him to keep up with the learning process and not give up.  I told him the world needed more cyclists and that it would eventually be well worth the effort to keep it up.
Thankful that my Cousin Darel had let me learn to ride HIS bicycle at age 5 when we visited his folks' ranch near Hereford TX about 1952, I rode home without balance issues on my three-wheeler.....

Ride Started: 9:34 AM           Ride Ended:  11:35 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.7
Lowest Temp: 71 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  199   Ending BG: 87
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.18
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  3.3 MPH                              7.5 MPH            19.2 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 35  minutes               41 minutes          53 minutes

Sunday, July 25, 2021

More Nonsensicals

 Catch-up GPS trike maps/routes

21st Julio Wednesday

24 Julio BigBox Trip

25 July Sunday Today 

I've been "Staying Active"..... Mostly.
Work on the new sewing room is slow going for an old fart trying to get everything "just so" before inviting outside volunteer help to come in and get some REAL work done.

Plus, it of course has been Hot.  A great excuse for resting in the shade under the air conditioner. 
In spite of priorital (Is that a Word?) laziness I have gotten on the trike for leg stretching, aerobic exercise, and mood enhancement.  Occasionally.
Today being a blessed Sunday, when we rarely miss taking the Lord's Day off,
we enjoyed relaxing instead of re-doing many of my mistakes.
Feeling slightly guilty for not riding enough, I decided to take at least a short ride.
Even short rides tend to lower my blood glucose, AND improve my mood no matter what the mood was to start with.
The "online" weather report predicted possible rain showers by 5:00 PM, but no such thing happened.  I guess the Southwest and  Northwest are getting all the rain recently, as well as Germany.  I don't mind missing out on flooding, but it would be nice if the rain kinda spread out to give us all a taste of it without damage.
Today's short ride fulfilled all expectationws, except for waiting for two separate trains to clear the crossing.  Thankfully they were relatively short ones.

Ride Started: 4:16 PM           Ride Ended:  4:44 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0
Lowest Temp: 78 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  154   Ending BG: 146
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  2.18
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  6.0 MPH                              7.4 MPH            17.5 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 22  minutes                          18 minutes         4 minutes