Saturday, March 30, 2019

Ridin' in Rain

Saturday Path GPS Tracking

The last couple of days have been rather soggy in our neighborhood.  Today was overcast and drippy but the drizzle stopped around noonish so I wanted to get in a mile or so at least.
I rode the third-mile or so marathon to our closest building and supply to purchase a few dozen wood screws.  We had thousands of these things back in NM before we moved, but they didn't make the cut to get packed and traverse the distance to our new casita in Missouri.  (That, or I just can't find them in the stuff we've unpacked.) 
The screws are needed for some sawhorses I'm slapping together for Jacque to use when she sands and paints and works on our beat-up kitchen cabinet doors.  As well as other wood-butchering projects such as general house maintenance etc.
As I arrived at the building supply store, I thought I felt a tiny drop or two of moisture as I unsaddled to go inside.  The weather had cooled markedly from the last couple of weeks, and I had a wool liner, a windbreaker outer layer for a jacket, fingered mittens, and one of Jacque's famous homemade polar fleece skull caps inside the bike helmet.  I did NOT get overheated.  The temperature was in the low 40's overnight and had slowly gotten COLDER as the sun came up and the day wore on.
I spent perhaps 20 minutes finding and counting and sorting the screws I wanted.  When I came out my polar fleece cap, left on the seat of the trike, was noticeably damp.  As I rode away I could feel the mist lightly hitting me in the face.  It was not enough to make me go directly home, so I "took the long way home" by circling a few blocks.  Once on the trike, it's hard to just give it up, don'tcha know.

Ride Started:  1:46 PM        Ride Ended:  2:14 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  14.3  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9 Lowest Voltage:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  240 Ending BG:  184
Lowest Temp:  39 F    Highest Temp:  42 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  1.53
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   3.2   MPH                           5.8   MPH            
17.6 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
28 minutes                           15
 minutes              13 minutes

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Running Around Town

Today's Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

So, I was working on the Tandem Recumbent Terratrike today.  The front chain has an idler pulley that hasn't been working properly and repeatedly jumps the chain loose.  I am replacing the small idler cog wheel with a rimmed spool idler wheel that hopefully will keep the chain contained and avoid all the grinding and rattling.
Of course, the new idler has a different spindle size as well as a different outer diameter.  The outer diameter is no problem  but I need a different bolt and sleeve to mount the idler on.
I first rode over to our closest hardware store - which didn't have the stuff I needed.  So I rode back home for a short rest break before riding the 3 miles across the big US-60 highway to our local Ace Hardware store.  The only thing I could think of for a spindle spacer was to use a piece of copper tubing cut to size.  Sure enough, Ace had what I needed, as well as a shouldered screw to use as a new spindle.
Youngest Grandson Jonathan Photo No Extra Charge

My feet, as usual, were complaining through most of the ride.  The pain waxes and wanes but I seem to be able to tolerate it better the more I ride.  Several rest stops and foot-rubbings helped me - as usual.
Per the tracker problem with the Tandem Terratrike I replaced the GPS unit and now it seems to work.  We'll see how well the next time Jacque and I take it for a ride.

Ride Started:  10:42 AM        Ride Ended:  1:53 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  12.9  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9 Lowest Voltage:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  250 Ending BG:  174
Lowest Temp:  50 F    Highest Temp:  71 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  6.12
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   3.2   MPH                           5.8   MPH            
17.6 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
1 hour 55 mins                     1 hour 3
 mins          52 minutes

Post Script:
I rode AGAIN, this time for an around-the-block test ride on the Tandem Terratrike.  Test riding to see if the new GPS works properly allowing for successful Position Beaconing and if the new idler pulley works.  Both successful.  
Jacque had left for her Eastern Star meeting in Mansfield so the stoker seat was empty, but Tink and Lilly gladly rode in the rear basket.
Next Tandem ride will be more fun for all.... guaranteed.
Less-Than-a-Mile Tandem Track

Friday, March 22, 2019

Double Whammy: Tandem Ride

Jacque had a great idea today:  She suddenly had a prescription filled at our local WalMart.  She suggested we take the tandem together to pick up her meds.
We've ridden the tandem a couple times since we moved to Missouri, and it had issues.  The left brake was sticky and hard to activate and release.  So I worked on it a couple hours in order to have a safer less problematic ride.
I tried the usual WD-40 injection cure-all treatment for the left brake cable and disc caliper pivot points, but got only little improvement.  I decided to really dig deep enough to figure out what was hanging things up by completely taking the cable assembly apart.  I turned out to be the cable and sleeve itself.  It was corroded and the friction sleeve on one end was bent and thus binding the cable inside from free movement.  I dug out my new-bike-parts stash from the RV and - though I had 3 spare cable assemblies on hand - none were short enough to suit this job.  Luckily I invested in a couple of cable cutters 2 years ago when I was repairing missionary bikes for the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  My old cable seemed too short for the turning radius of the steering on the trike, stretching the cable to max tautness and kinking it.  Of course, sitting out  in the weather for a year at the kids' place near Edgewood didn't help any either.
The replacement cables have a different termination on each end so it can be used with either a shifter or brake assembly.  Of course I cut the wrong end off on my first attempt and had to cut and assemble another one in correct fashion to get it going.  Finally I got it all back together again and turned my attention to the non-working APRS tracker assembly that sends my GPS data to the Internet so I and others can view the trip either live or afterwards.  Including You, Dear Reader.
I checked the radio and interface for 12 Volt power and that seemed to be where it was supposed to.
After powering it up and waiting to see if it would transmit any beacons or positions, and seeing nothing, I gave up.  Decided to ride without it, but a last minute peek revealed a broken tiny black wire pulled loose and hanging.  So that needs soldering and rearranging, but maybe later.  We decided to complete a ride today and worry about electronic repairs later.
Riding the tandem Tandem Terratrike is more labor-intensive - for both of us - than either of us riding solo on our single seaters.  But it's fun, and a way to stay together - literally - while riding, and so it goes.  Or Went. 
With several stops for rest and foot rubbing, we made it both directions.  Ours seem to be the only recumbent trikes in the area, and the tandem is especially eye-catching.  Lots of waves and "Oooh, Look at the Dog!"  and "Whoa, there's TWO doggies in back!"
Again, no one crowded or bothered us in any way.  Great riding, and tiring.  Resulting again in lower blood sugar.

Ride Started:  12:28 PM        Ride Ended:  2:17 PM
Beginning Blood Glucose:  158 Ending BG:  62
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  5.45
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   2.7   MPH                           4.6
   MPH            16.9 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
1 hour 59 mins                    1 hour 11 mins      48 minutes

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Road Warrior's Paradise: WalMart

Today's Fab Tracking via Ham Radio

I'm out of one of my prescriptions so I had the VA direct the prescription to our local Wal Mart.  You know, the megastore everyone claims to hate but buy most of their "stuff" there.
Since the sun again showed its face today and the distance is around TWO miles, of course I rode my trike over there.
Missouri drivers are so far very tolerant of my slow-rolling-roadblock operations, but I hate to get on really busy stretches if I can avoid it.
So instead of riding the main drag (US 95) through town, I rode side streets.
I overtook an old cyclist  (Maybe as old as ME)  and was pleasantly surprised to be able to catch up to him and pass him.  He seemed to be going the same general direction as I, and I wondered if he was also Walmart-bound.  As I rounded a corner several blocks past this encounter, I spotted him AHEAD of me, and lengthening the distance between us.  He was walking his bike when I first passed him, and somewhere in between he evidently decided to cheat by getting up on his 2-wheeler and pedaling instead of walking.  SIGH.  Getting to where I can't even keep up with cripples or old ladies...
Sam Walton's Finest had my prescription ready - and for only 4 bucks.  Such a deal.
The only high traffic area I had to ride was across the overpass where 95 crosses over Route 60 just before arriving at Walmart.  The Walmart parking lot. of course, is almost always a high traffic area, but no close encounters were encountered.
I'm surprised at how many mutts are allowed to run loose in this burg, even itty bitty dogs like the one who squealed across the street at me on the way home.  He didn't try to attack me, just yapping and chasing for a few feet, and I didn't even try to outrun him.  Not that I could have anyway....

Ride Started:  12:18 PM        Ride Ended:  1:33 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.9  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9 Lowest Voltage:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  211 Ending BG:  74
Lowest Temp:  50 F    Highest Temp:  64 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  5.21
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   3.8   MPH                           6.3   MPH            
18.0 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
1 hour 22 mins                      49 minutes            32 minutes

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Out to the Sticks and Back

Today's Partial Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

Today was NOT sunny and clear.  We awoke to wet streets and grounds from rain last night.  Had the soggy weather continued, I would not have had the chance to get out and ride.
The rain must not have lasted much beyond daybreak since none fell once we got up and around.
The morning passed without further moisture so I saddled up and took off for a ride.
I wanted to try - again - the route I'd started but gave up early yesterday.
My feet hardly bothered me at all today, except the last couple of miles as I returned home.  I attribute it to the much cooler temperatures today - my feet like it cold when they start throbbing and burning - and they stayed pretty cool today, as did the rest of my wrinkled bod, in spite of several layers of clothing.
The main road for this ride was Whetstone Road, winding up hill and down dale, through the woods to Gramma's house and beyond.  I worried about some of the deeper downhills knowing full well on a trike that "what goes down must come back up".   Thankfully, the Ozarks ain't the Rockies - even at my age and condition the climbs back out of the "hollers" were not bad at all.
The local humans seem to think the sight of the trike is unusual.  Evidently so do the livestock...
You may have to enlarge to see all faces looking at me...
I was talking on the ham radio to a couple of fellows west of us at Norwood, who warned me it was starting to rain and I was likely to get wet on the trike.  I told them I was only a mile from home so hopefully I would make it home safe and dry.  It started to sprinkle in my face just before I arrived in our driveway and it was raining steadily as I opened the garage door to get the trike inside.
No harm, no Foul....

Ride Started:  1:19 PM        Ride Ended:  3:16 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.8  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.1  Lowest Voltage:  12.1
Beginning Blood Glucose:  231 Ending BG:  63
Lowest Temp:  39 F    Highest Temp:  60 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  9.2
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   4.4                                         5.8                          19.0
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
1 hour 57 mins                      1 hour 45 mins      12 minutes

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

"Long" Ride to the Doctor's Office

Today's Two-Trip Tracking

I had a 9:00 AM appointment with our local chiropractor this morning, and Jacque had a 10:00 appointment with HER doctor.  So I used it for an excuse to do an early morning trike ride so Jacque could take the Exploder.
We drove to West Plains yesterday and my sciatica was killing me throughout the trip.  I was able to get in the short trike trip in the evening after we got home but the sciatica/back pain convinced me it was time for another adjustment.
It was sunny again this morning, with temperatures around 39 degrees or so, so it was a cool but not uncomfortable ride to the Chiropractor.  Such a distance:  About 1.4 miles.  HAH.  I felt quite a bit better after the treatments and returned home, thinking I was probably done riding for the day.
Howsomever, Jacque called me on the phone after getting out of HER appointment and wondered if we might make a lunch date at the Senior Center here in town.  I dragged the trike back out of the garage and met her there.  We chowed down on some rice & pork stuff that tasted pretty good. Often there are 2 or 3 old timer musicians providing live music during these affairs, 2 or 3 times a week, and today they were playing some lively tunes so Jacque and I danced a couple rounds before leaving.
In Albuquerque, all the live dancing places like Caravan East and Cowboys have closed.  Very difficult to find anywhere to go dancing except at the Square Dancing club.  What do young and middle age folks do that like to dance?  We find it a bit strange that, where Old Farts abound, there are more dance and music options than where the young folks congregate.  In Quartzsite and Yuma, multiple places hold live dances several times a week.  Here in Mountain Grove, I know of no other place where dancing occurs than at the Senior Center.  Go figure.
Riding back toward home afterward, I wanted to get a bit more fresh air so I took the long way home and racked up a whopping few more miles.
I confess by then the feets were complaining again so I soaked them for an hour or so and feel much refreshed now.

Ride Started:  8:39 AM        Ride Ended:  12:29 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  14:3  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9  Lowest Voltage:  12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose:  199 Ending BG:  101
Lowest Temp:  42 F    Highest Temp:  60 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  4.83
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   6.0                                         6.4                          17.4
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
46 minutes                              43 minutes              3 minutes

Monday, March 18, 2019

Welcome - Keep Moving

Monday GPS / Ham Radio Tracking

After my recent multi-mile escapade I thought I ought to keep it up and not get any softer than I already am.
Not wanting to over-do it again, I plotted out a route south of town that should come close to my "ideal" ride length of almost 10 miles.
The weather was certainly helping.... Another sunny and warmer day with temperatures in the 60's.
My spirit was strong but the feet were complaining.  I'd ridden only about 3 - something of my planned 5 miles-each-way and decided I was going to wuss out early.
On my way back, I spotted a sign at a farm entrance that made me laugh.  I had to back up a few feet to take the picture:

This reminded me of the sign back in NM on a gate entry saying: "Don't Worry about the Dog.  Watch out for the Master!"
Again, Adios from the Easy Chair with my Feet in the Bubble Machine...

Ride Started:  3:53 PM    Ride Ended:  5:11 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   14.0 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  58  (Solution: PB Sandwich)  Ending BG:  75
Lowest Temp  53 F     Highest Temp: 71 F   
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles: 5.77
Distance Walked: 1 mile
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed  
 4.6 MPH                                   6.1 MPH                    15.4 MPH 
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time 
1 hour 14 mins                       57  minutes                18  minutes

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Driver

Today's Around the Block and Across the Tracks

I noticed a change-of-address form on the kitchen table from UC (University of California, provider of my Los Alamos benefits) ad decided I better fill it out and get it mailed in.  They mailed this form to our new address, so evidently they have it already, but being a large outfit, they obviously require more paperwork,  so whatever.
We have a good local mailman who bangs on the door when he drops off our incoming mail but a couple times when we've left letters clipped to the mailbox they wound up  blowing around in the yard.  Thus I thought I ought to just stick it in the Post Office itself, since it's less than a half mile across the tracks and around the corner.
It likely took me longer to open up the garage, roll out the trike, set up the antennas and hook up the battery for the radios, and get rolling, than the actual riding to and from the P.O.
But, short or not, it's always exhilarating to take a spin.  Today was no exception.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

We Won't Go This Way Again

Today's Over-Done Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

Yesterday's ride, while tiring, was so motivational that I just had to try again today.
My unusual reasoning was "If I can do 7.7 miles, then surely I can do 10 miles...." You get my drift, dear reader.
I have often eyed the wide shoulder up on the main east-west Route 60 highway, and often thought it would be fun to ride along that route sometime.  Today was the time, methought, and it was a simple idea:  Ride from home out to the west-most exit/on-ramp for Mountain Grove, thence east along 60 to the eastern-most exit for Mountain Grove and back home again on the "Business 60" street / road through town.  Just guessing without calculating, I thought it might come out close to 10 miles.
It turned out to be a tad more than 13 miles, which while unimpressive, was a bit overboard for a gradual increase in mileage goals.  Very Very Tired is Me.
As is my current normality, I stopped multiple times to rest;  to get up and walk around to get different movements to help the agony in the feet, and to take off the shoes and massage my poor pinkies for some temporary relief.  I carried a single 16-ounce water bottle that I almost used completely before I got home.  I also popped a couple more Excedrin along the way, of which I keep a small stash in the pannier.
The most formidable problem was the eastern end of "Business Route 60".  There are 2 other exits for Mountain Grove, and both have decent shoulders.  Not so the eastern exit.  I had known about the lack of shoulder on that end of town, but I thought it might be only a mile or so that could be navigated.  It actually is SEVERAL miles, with long hills to climb along the way.  I slogged along anyway, since it was either that or call for Jacque to come rescue me.  Thankfully thus far I'm able to do the "Guy Thing" and do it myself.... sorta.  Without Jacque's support, of course, I could do little if any of what I'm doing.  Anyway, even though all passing drivers gave me plenty of room, in spite of the sun shining in their faces at this hour, I will henceforth avoid the east stretch of "Business 60".
Each crest of the business 60 eastern hills were met with anticipation that I was near the end of the no-shoulder-torture section.... but as usual, the road appears entirely differently from the seat of a bike than through the windshield of a hundred-horsepower dinosaur-powered vehicle.
I am QUITE tired tonight, while sitting with my feet in the bubbly foot-bath. 
Funny thing is:  Yes, my feet are tired and sore.... but no more - and possibly less - than after loafing around the house all day.
Oh, to be 20 again.... or even 40.... or even 60......  BAH.  I am paying dearly for all the teasing and harassment and unkind thoughts I have entertained in my younger years for the "Old Folks".  Now I AM one.  What goes around comes around......

Ride Started:  3:56 PM    Ride Ended:  6:40 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.0 Ending Voltage: 12.8 Lowest:  12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose:  160   Ending BG:  118
Lowest Temp  53 F     Highest Temp: 75 F   
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles: 13.42
Distance Walked: 1+ miles
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed  
 4.9 MPH                                   6.1 MPH                    22.7 MPH 
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time 
2 hours 44 mins                      2 hours 11  mins               33  minutes

Friday, March 15, 2019

Gotta Love Daylight Savings Time?

Today's Fine Tracking Plot

Today dawned much nicer than the previous few days:  Several days of Pouring Rain, Cold Temperatures, and Howling Wind.
We are still not used to everything being soggy and wet.  Evidently in the Midwest they think a drought is happening if it hasn't rained for a week.  Thus defined, we surely haven't noticed any 'droughts' around since moving here.
Yesterday was sunny but awful winds howling all day made it miserable.
Today dawned sunny again, after an all-night howling wind storm.  The wind had slowed to a middling breeze today so I thought I would get out and saddle up for a trike ride sometime during the day.  Unfortunately, it was a bad day for my sore feet.  Jacque stirred up some essential oils into a soothing mix that she rubbed into my aching toes several times during the day.  It felt good while she was working my feet over but the relief was short lived each time.
I was determined to get at least another short ride in, since I usually feel better after cooling off from a ride even though the feet don't appreciate the pressure from pedaling the cranks around and around.
Along about late afternoon I thought I had better see about going for  a ride, when I noticed the clock's time of 4:00 PM.  I've taken the trike out so late several times, but since darkness fell shortly afterward, it meant a short ride, often with the last mile or so being in the dark.
This time, however, the sun was still high in the sky, and I realized that we now have the miraculous "Extra Hour" of sunshine due to our ever-hated Daylight Savings Time, so perhaps I could get in a decent trip before it got dark.
So, I backed the Ford Exploder out of our beloved garage, then wheeled out the Catrike and set up the antennas and connected the battery cable for the electronics.
It was still breezing a bit cool, so I wore my polar fleece skull cap under the bike helmet and a thin but warm jacket for a layer under my windbreaker.
I wore full fingered riding gloves (I use mechanics gloves - cheaper than "cycling" ones).
I did NOT get overheated this ride, even though I got in the most miles since we moved to Missouri.
I DID get tired, and my feet, already mildly burning, felt no better as I rode along.  My VA doctor had reminded me on the phone this morning that cycling was a good form of non-weight-bearing exercise for me.  This motivated me to keep going and try to avoid excess pain. 
I found that by pedaling in lower gears meant that I could ride with less pain, though of course more slowly.  Instead of stopping to rest the feet every few miles, this time I stopped probably every mile or less.
Almost halfway around town, I looked up and realized the sun was still quite high in the sky, allowing me more time to poke along.  So I stopped frequently, a couple times to pee in the bushes, and either rested with my sore feet on the ground, or by getting off the trike and walking around a bit,  which also helped ease the burning pains.
I had to cross the busy Highway 95 that runs North to South through town, and at 5-ish it of course meant I had to wait a bit for a decent opening to cross through the traffic.  This only took a few minutes this time, and I took my usual detour around the Cenex parking lot to get to Oakland, which runs parallel to 95 but a couple blocks away.  I took a few detours around previously unexplored streets, and finally back due south to home.
We have encountered no other trikes or trikers in this area and are beginning to believe we may be the only ones in town or the immediate vicinity.  Motorists passing us always give a wide berth and those coming toward us often stop and watch me as I ride by.  A pair of farmers on the SE side of town spotted and watched me for at least a half mile as I rode towards them and the intersection where they stood while I turned back toward the north to continue riding.   Another couple of cars approaching me on North Hovis street stopped in mid-street and watched me pass by.  A couple of teenagers in a neighborhood said aloud:  "Blankety Blank!  What's THAT?  - But one of his buddies said "Cool!" to counteract his friend's ignorance.  When we go to the barber or senior center many folks will mention they've seen us on our trikes and they always watch through the windows when we ride up on the Tandem Terratrike.  Fun Stuff-
By the time I finally got back home to put the trike and SUV back in the garage, my feet and most of the rest of me were POOPED.  I was surprised after stumbling around putting such stuff away that my feet had started feeling warm and rather pleasant.  Maybe going into shock? 
Whatever.  I treated the feet to a cool soaking.  We'll see if I can get some sleep tonight with the added fatigue.

Ride Started:  4:20 PM    Ride Ended:  6:10 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.1 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest:  12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose:  191   Ending BG:  96
Lowest Temp  46 F     Highest Temp: 54 F   
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles: 7.22
Distance Walked: .3 mile
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed  
 3.9 MPH                                   5.0 MPH                    22.7 MPH 
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time 
1 hour 50 mins                       1 hour 26  mins               24  minutes

The Sun Came Out, So I Did Too

Sunny Days are not as common here in Missouri as they are in New Mexico.  Thus, when one occurs with a temperature above freezing, I try my best to take advantage of it.  Thus another ride today.  Not to go to the Post Office.  Not to shop at WalMart.  No visit to the Hardware Stores.  Just a ride to huff and puff a few miles.
I first pedaled down to Business Route 60, the main street going east and west through this burg, then rode east out toward the east end of town where the town bypass meets back up to the main divided highway of Route 60.
I keep taking this route with the same thought of going clear to the eastern edge of Mountain Grove, but as soon as I start climbing the low hill leading out of town I realize the nice wide shoulder disappears entirely.  The divided highway of Route 60, with all its high speed traffic, has nice wide shoulders, but the easternmost few miles of the business route have no shoulder.  I have yet to encounter an aggressive or inattentive driver, but folks tend to push 'er up to 60+ MPH on the edges of town and with no shoulder I just plain don't want to take the risk.
So I again turned around, turned north on Hovis, and rode up to the frontage road paralleling
the Big Highway and rode west across 95 to Oakland, around some previously unexplored side streets and back around, making a bit over 5 miles this time.
I'm certainly not "back up to speed" yet, as my legs were about to collapse with even this few miles logged on them.  I discovered a previously unknown park (Ina Crandall) and Mountain Grove (outdoor) swimming pool.  The pool is of course closed for the winter, but it's nice to know it's there.
As aforementioned, my legs were getting a bit rubbery for the last couple miles of the loop around the neighborhood, and I started having trouble keeping my feet on the pedals.  I've not experienced this before, but when I checked my blood glucose (BG) when I got home I realized my blood sugar was so low (46) as to contribute to my  dopiness.  This even after consuming 29 carbs of a breakfast bar out of my pannier about halfway through the ride.

Ride Started:  3:20 PM    Ride Ended:  4.42 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.0 Ending Voltage: 12.8  Lowest:  12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose:  72     Ending BG:  46

Lowest Temp  44 F     Highest Temp: 46 F   
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  5.53
Distance Walked: .3 
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed  
MPH                                   5.8 MPH                    18.7 MPH 
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time 
1 hour 22 
mins                       57  minutes               24  minutes

Monday, March 11, 2019

Another Typical Trip for Stuff

Today's Around-the-Village Tracking

This day dawned rather sunny and - with 50-60-ish temperatures, I had to saddle up for a ride, even if disgustingly short.
Just around the corner from the house, the railway was blocked by track maintenance vehicles.
I only had to cool my already-sore heels for a few minutes before the clanging arms arose and allowed the long line of vehicles to clear the crossing, after which I also rode through unmolested.
I visited two of my favorite establishments:  Mountain Grove Builders' Supply and Miller's Electrical and Plumbing Supply.  Miller's conduit was too long for me to safely haul on the trike, so I'll return there later with the dinosaur-burning Exploder.  The Builder's Supply had exactly what I needed, and it fit into my rear pannier, so I chugged home with it.
The  short run was not very hilly nor difficult but my always-sore feet were absolutely screaming about halfway home and got only worse as I rode in spite of varying my gears, foot positions, etc.
In spite of the fatigue and burning foot pain, I usually feel better after I cool off after even such a short ride as this one.
Aching feet are soaking in the foot-water-massage bubble machine as I close this epistle...

Ride Started:  3:14 PM    Ride Ended:  3:52 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   12.9 Ending Voltage: 12.8  Lowest:  12.7
Beginning Blood Glucose:  181     Ending BG:  70

Lowest Temp  57 F     Highest Temp: 71 F   
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  1.91
Distance Walked: .1 
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed  
MPH                                   5.8 MPH                    21.1 MPH 
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time 
minutes                             19 minutes               18  minutes