Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Lost in Space ?

Track of the Wanderer 

Today likely should have been April 1st instead of March 31st.  Last night on the news we got a freeze warning for Thursday, but this morning, Wednesday, it didn't Freeze, but it was downright COLD.  Cold winds sufficient to require decent coats when outside for more than a few frigid moments.
In spite of all that, our contractors were on the job first thing this morning, digging out more dirt and roots and junk for the new sewing room foundation.  They actually poured CONCRETE later about mid-day and we are pumped.  They may actually get this concrete floor and foundation in place sooner rather than later.
Of course, depending upon the weather.
This day was sunny and bright, after the sun burned through the cold clouds - but it remained really cold.
The concrete truck managed to get on 3 angles to the pour - without burying the wheels in the soft grass and spongy ground so prevalent hereabouts.  I tried to help a little bit without getting in the way, but our contractor seemed to know what he was doing - with or without my "help".
After a couple of lengthy sore-feet breaks, I decided I should take advantage of the sunny, if frigid, weather and go for a trike ride. 
I had been a bit more foggy brained than usual all day.  However, even if the brain is weak, the aged bod still needs stretching and aerobic intake, yada yada.
So, though a little later than I should have, I bundled up and took off.
I've been getting a bit bored with my "usual" route of trying to make a 5-miler out of the limited paved perimeter streets around our sleepy city, so I went a less familiar direction.  Less traffic was encountered, which was fine, and I zigged and zagged a bit - in an attempt to rack up a couple miles in a short time.  I knew most of the areas I pedaled around, but I got on a slightly different block and wasn't quite sure where I was.  I arrived at an intersection where the street was labeled "State St."  and it didn't quite compute.  So I turned around and backtracked to the more familiar area of the city center square and went on home. 
Looking at the track map when I got back, I realized my minor confusion:  State Street is more commonly also known as 3rd Street.... The MAIN DRAG going east-west through town. 
Sigh.  A brain is a terrible thing to waste.... Or lose.
Thankfully, my brain fog seemed to lift after cooling off from the ride. 
So it appears that activity and exercise could be beneficial for a foggy brain....
As well as a saggy body.

Ride Started: 4:18 PM           Ride Ended: 4:57 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 45 F Highest Temp: 52 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  83   Ending BG: 75
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.10
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.7 MPH                              5.7 MPH            13.0 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
  40  minutes                        33 minutes          7 minutos

Monday, March 29, 2021

Nice Weather for a Couple Days?

Monday, Monday.... GPS Happy Trails

I actually got a bit of useful activity accomplished today.
Early this morning, our fave local contractor showed up in the back yard, digging around our impending foundation to install sewer and drain pipes for the bathroom recently added to our addition plans.
I prolly dug out maybe 5 or 10 pounds of muck before I pooped out and left the rest of it to the younger dude.
BUT I had other chores to accomplish.  Our bathroom sink has been a sluggish drainer for weeks, if not months.  I had "committed" several times to clean it out, but TODAY I actually remembered  the issue long enough to get out some tools and work on it.
It turned out to be a fairly small knot of hair and goo just above the plastic trap, and didn't take too long to poke out the gunk.
I also caulked a few gaps around the plumbing entries to hopefully keep more "critters" from invading further.  A valid concern now that Spring is almost upon us and the weather is still wet but getting warmer, with the bugs rejoicing everywhere.
Taking a sore-feet rest break after all that work (maybe 2 hours), Jacque realized she had another prescription at our local Big Box pharmacy.  These are usually great excuses for taking a trike ride.
I checked my BG before leaving.  It was 156, a bit high.  However, I usually go low while riding, so I backed off my pump's basal rate to 75% for the estimated ride time.
My sore feets were not totally rested but with the bright sunny day I wanted and needed to do it so I took off.

I was a bit surprised at the warmth of the day, in spite of the brisk wind.  Evidently our high today was 64 degrees, which doesn't sound that warm.  Zipping around via foot-power warmed me fairly well, and I confess I popped a few snaps on my shirt to let in some breeze.  My shoes did not provide such ventilation, and more than once I thought about the need to wear my summer sandals again if the weather continues so warm.  Or warmer...
After picking up my treasured items at Big Box, I tested my BG again before pedaling home:  128
- Just 1 point higher than my "normal" upper limit of 120.  I left it alone for the time being.
Again, the ride was largely uneventful and I got home safe and sound, if worn out somewhat.  BG tested 50 when I got in the house, so I enjoyed some sugared soda (instead of my usual Diet) as an appetizer for Jacque's wonderful impending dinner.
Life is good, as usual.

Ride Started: 2:45 PM           Ride Ended: 4:00 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  158   Ending BG: 50
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.94
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.4 MPH                            6.2 MPH         25.2 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
  1 hour 20  minutes              57 minutes        23 minutes

Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Few Recent Goofy Stories

 Tuesday's Track via GPS and Ham Radio

Wednesday's Wild Ride with Passenger Jack 

Friday's Tracking 

Saturday GPS Tracking

Obviously I haven't recently been a steady blogger about my marvelous pedal-wanderings on my Catrike.
For some reason - even though I'm supposedly retired and doing more work for free than I did when I was fully employed, I keep having trouble finding time to sit down and keep up with blogs and what - have - you.
With several sunny and other "rideable" days, I had little excuse to avoid getting out and around, and at least a minor errand or two for motivations to pedal around.

I'm not real sure what I rode around for on Tuesday, but one of the local banks and a very local grocery store are on that circuit, so maybe that was it.
Wednesday was another GREAT excuse to ride:  My buddy Jack, around 5 years old, came to visit while his Mom played sewing machines with Jacque.  I waddled into the garage to set up his car-seat in the B.O.B. trailer and by the time I got it set up, out of the garage and rigged up, Jack and Mom were headed out the door.  Their car had been left a couple blocks away at the garage, and instead of allowing them to just walk away, I suggested hauling Jack on the trailer while Mom walked and got her exercise.  Nobody objected, Jack most importantly, so off we went.  We got in almost a mile of zig-zagging around by the time Mom's car was ready.
Now Friday.  I pedaled over to my fave local barbershop for a badly needed haircut, but he was booked up for the rest of the afternoon.  Disappointed, I started for home and then remembered a place called "The Fade Co." up toward the north end of town.  The lady barber there took me for her last customer of the day, and did a nice job on my skull.
Yesterday, Saturday.  I wanted to get in s few miles and took off but suddenly noticed some dark fast moving threatening clouds coming in directly overhead and decided to cut it short in hopes of avoiding a soaking.  Avoid it I did indeed.  When I got home it was beginning to sprinkle and moments after I got safely into the house, the rain stopped and didn't resume. 
Go Figure.  With my luck, it would have POURED on me if I had kept riding.  OH Well.

Ride Started: 2:48 PM           Ride Ended: 4:02 PM  (Friday Ride)
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  121   Ending BG: 93
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.9 MPH                              7.1 MPH            16.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 56  minutes                          40 minutes         14 minutes

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunny Stormy Weather - and several in between

Friday GPX Route-Path Tracking 

Saturday - Almost the Same 

We are still surviving without a petroleum - powered car.  I could mention we also don't have the use of an electric car, but those types of cars burn petroleum as well, since much of the electric power used to charge them comes from our wonderful electrical system, which in most areas is provided by natural gas, diesel, or coal powered generators.  You ask "What about Wind and Solar?"
Well, those are great sources of power too, but not at all reliable during darkness, storms, or windless times, and are invariably backed up or augmented by - Petroleum.  Don't get ME started, I'm low on gas myself.
SO, when our wonderful friends loan us a car or drive us somewhere, we can go further and haul more junk to and from home.  Without our gas-burner for over 2 weeks now, I find it necessary to pedal the trike around, oft-times with trailer towed behind, to pick up prescriptions, groceries, building materials, yada yada.
I'm beginning to wonder just a little bit if it's as much "fun" to HAVE to use the trike instead of the usual thinking up excuses to ride.
Whatever, as long as nobody runs over me, it's beneficial for this old bod to undergo such minor stresses.
Our spring weather has been rainy, windy, sunny, cold, and warm.  N-O-R-M-A-L.
Two days ago I rode to pick up some building materials, then later to pick up a prescription on the north end of town.
Yesterday, all I needed was to purchase a bag of potatoes for my marvelous wife-cook, and the desired grocery venue is only a couple blocks away.  Ten pounds of spuds is no big deal normally, but without the trike B.O.B. trailer it would be rather difficult to carry the stuff home.  I needed more exercise than a few blocks around the square, so I took the long way around town instead of  just going directly back home.

If this trailer can haul logs, it can do a 10 pound sack of spuds!

The B.O.B. trailer has a steel mesh floor.  I didn't want the taters to get too bumped and  bruised as I encountered our many potholes and pavement bumps, so I dug around in my saddle bags to see if I had anything that might absorb the shocks of street riding.  I found my woolen pullover face/skull cap used when the weather is REALLY bitter.  It turned out to have enough 'stretch' to surround the entire bag of spuds nicely, so I used my cargo strap and bungee cords to tie it down.
No problems encountered.  Got home safe and sound, Blood Glucose was 93.
Jacque didn't have to smack me for destroying any of the groceries.

And today our wonderful friends are loaning us their spare vehicle again for a day or two.   Life is GOOD.  Still praying for our mechanics' benefit as they labor to get OURS running again.  

Ride Started: 4:02 PM           Ride Ended: 4:58 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  121   Ending BG: 93
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 4.72
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.9 MPH                              7.1 MPH            16.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 56  minutes                          40 minutes         18 minutes

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Hurray, Another Sunny Day

 Today's GPS/Ham Radio Tracking

More items to pick up at our Big Box Store, and the day was again nice, so away I went again pedaling the trike.... very handy since we are still without a running petroleum powered vehicle.
I did the usual route, and before I departed the Big Box parking lot, I checked my Blood Glucose (BG) and found it was a tad low.  I again popped a Glucose Tablet, suspended my insulin pump, and started for home.   I had only gotten a couple hundred yards and got stopped at the light on the overpass at Highway 60.  I felt "guilty" about having the pump not doing anything, so while waiting for the green light, I set the basal rate to 50% and rode onward.

I had only pedaled another hundred yards or so when I started feeling "punk", so I stopped to check my BG again.  Bummers:  It was 69, a bit low.  So I suspended the pump again and rode home.
I must be going through some sort of change in my metabolism or whatever.  For over 20 years being on an insulin pump, I have seldom experienced the sudden drops and dangerous lows in my blood sugar.
On many occasions I have seen my BG in the low 20's and 30's (at one time it tested at 18) without experiencing blackouts or loss of function.  Prior to recent changes, I was always able to eat or drink something sweet and quickly recover.
Since my comatose episode in December, I have ceased being casual about keeping track of  BG.
Months and years ago, 69 would have given me no worry whatever.  Now my endocrinologist sets my pump to maintain my BG from a low of 80 to a high of 120.  Most all non-diabetic people I have ever tested with my tester have invariably shown a reading of 65 or so. 
If I don't ride the trike, I get tired doing other work, such as house remodels, plumbing, wiring, lumber, etc, but such non-riding efforts don't seem to  drop my BG nearly as much - NOR give me the privilege of feeling better, sleeping better, etc.
So now I'm a worry wart.  Oh Well.

Ride Started: 11:04 PM           Ride Ended: 12:56 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  157   Ending BG: 69
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.3
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.5 MPH                              5.9 MPH            21.6 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 46  minutes            1 hour 3 minutes     43 minutes



 Monday's Sunny GPS/Ham Radio Tracking

Monday (15 March 2021) dawned a bit foggy at first but quickly turned into a nice, unusual, sunny day.
I had more work to do on the new washing machine drain for Jacque's upcoming sewing room, so I prioritized that first, but hoping to get done early enough to go for a decent trike ride.
I've missed a lot of riding recently, what with the nasty weather, plumbing work, and whathaveyou.
With Jacque's encouragement I worked with a will to get done with the plumbing and get out the beloved 
Catrike from the garage.  I had planned to do my preferred "around-town" route to get in at least 5 miles.
When Jacque mentioned she had a prescription ready at our local Big Box Store, I readily accepted that assignment as well.  I also had a couple items to pick up.
This being my first "decent" pedal-ride in a week or so, I really enjoyed the cruise, even in spite of the gusty breezes encountered.  Lying back on the low-slung trike evidently doesn't cut much wind.
I noticed I had to ride a tad slower than usual - evidence of the need to do MORE riding for pleasure AND exercise.
I rode to the northernmost end of our small town, first to Ace Hardware, then to the nearby Big Box Store.

Having completed my "shopping", I readied for the trip home.  
After my recent experience of deep diabetic shock at nearly the same location several weeks ago, I thought it wise to check my blood sugar before starting for home.  Sure enough, it was a bit on the low side (90).    My strategy this time was to pop a glucose tablet (a recent addition to my emergency supplies) AND suspended my insulin pump from  pumping anything while I rode home.
It wasn't a bad strategy, since my BG was only 130 when I got back.  Of course I re-activated the insulin pump, just in time to run it out of insulin and require a reload and relocation of my infusion set somewhere on my outer gut.
What really surprised me was the beneficial effect of this ride.  I ate a hearty dinner before bed, slept longer and better than I have in months, AND my miserable sore diabetic neuropathic feet didn't keep me awake most of the night.  I usually wake up several times each night, but last night only awoke at 5:00 AM.  Very unusual for this decrepit old fart.

Ride Started: 3:46 PM           Ride Ended: 5:22 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  116   Ending BG: 130
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.54
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.1 MPH                              7.5 MPH            24.2 MPH
Total Trip Time                    Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour  minutes                    52 minutes         44 minutes

Monday, March 15, 2021

Rainy Riding

 Short Wet GPS Tracking

We still do not have a usable fuel powered vehicle to get around in.  Our Ford Exploder's transmission died several days ago and we were stranded along the roadway; called Little Billy's Towing for rescue, and dropped the undriveable buggy off at Childers Auto Repair .    
Unfortunately for us, though Childers is our preferred shop, they were extremely backed up with repair work resulting from the recent "Polar Vortex" AND the inability to get much work done on existing repair jobs DUE to the horrible weather.  Thus we were informed they could not possibly even start on replacing the transmission until the 16th of this month (March).  Well that's up in a couple days and hopefully they will soon get our ride running again.
Meanwhile, we were blessed with a loaner car from dear Church friends for a few days.  Then they had family visitors arriving and needed that car back, so we have been riding trikes and walking and staying mostly home.
Of course we had warmer but wetter weather to deal with, so not much could be accomplished by "getting out" anyway.
Jacque's new sewing room addition suddenly began, with foundation digging work going full steam...
Until the weather got wet again and washed our workmen away, figuratively of course.
I had committed to installing new plumbing to move the washer and dryer into the new room when it gets to the point of being relatively out of the weather, and I managed to get a lot of the galvanized pipe installed in the basement, with stubs poking out in the wall that will be an inside wall of the sewing room.  I struggled to cut and thread the necessary galvanized pipe for the hot and cold water lines, and finally got them where I wanted them.   Trying to figure out how to run the washing machine drain, I realized I had some 1 1/4" PVC pipe in the back yard that should work.  It wasn't quite long enough, so I decided to drag out the Catrike and B.O.B. trailer and see if I could successfully drag or haul the 10 foot length of pipe home from the CHC Home Center several blocks away.  I actually made two such trips to CHC for galvanized pipe  fittings and then the PVC haul.

My PVC Pipe stuck way out from the back of the trailer but somehow didn't touch the pavement.

It was a bit damp and drizzly during these "trips" but I was able to get some more work done !

Ride Started: 12:01 PM           Ride Ended: 4:55 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 50 F Highest Temp: 59 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  158   Ending BG: 127 
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 2.8
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 2.2 MPH                              4.8 MPH            13.2 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
  42  minutes                        30 minutes          Hours and Hours