Sunday, December 25, 2022

Twas the Freezing DAY before Christmas

 Very Short GPS Tracking

Well - It turns out that my sniffles from last week actually WERE the dreaded COVID killer disease.
Of course Jacque caught the sore throat from me and has a slightly worse case.  She went to the Doc and was diagnosed officially with the Plague....
Thanks to Mr. Lets Go Brandon and Mr. Fauci, we had already received all available vaccines and boosters to prevent us from catching it.  Oh, that's right - if we DO catch it, it will be mild instead of deadly.  I guess so far we qualify for the mild category.  Not too much fun being isolated for 2 weeks including this week of Christmas.  We had planned to have a couple of neighbors over for a Jacque Christmas Feast but not this time.  Our isolation period expires before New Years so we'll see what kind of trouble we can get into after that.

                                                           Trike Tracks in the Snow ?

Our record breaking cold spell has pretty much kept us indoors and without trike rides.  Zero and below temperatures, with wind chills into the minus THIRTIES.  I did NOT sign up for this.
Yesterday the SUN actually came out and lit up the sky quite nicely, though it didn't seem to do much for the air temperature.  Jacque had finished a library book and needed to return it.  Yesterday, Christmas Eve.
So nothing was open, not even the Library.  But that facility does have a book return slot on the outside of the door, so I decided I could return the book via a very short Trike Ride (6 blocks or so).
It only took me a half hour or so to layer up, unlock the trike, pull it out into the snowy sunshine, velcro my insulated pants legs into my boot tops, try a couple of snow mittens back and forth to find the warmest ones, etc.  I had super thick Arctic socks inside my boots, etc, etc.
So finally I was able to get my multi layered carcass into the trike seat and take off.  
I wondered if I would get stuck in the mild snow patches I had to cross getting out of the yard but didn't have any problem.
The streets were another story.  About half the roadway had packed snow from vehicle traffic.
I quickly noticed the Catrike was not too predictable on the slicker spots so I had to tread lightly and pay attention when traversing them.
Thankfully there was almost NO traffic to deal with - and when I saw any cars at all, I simply waited until they were all past.  I made it to the drop box and deposited the expired book and then got back slowly and safely.  
Trouble was, I thought I was going to FREEZE.  In spite of all my layers I was NOT comfy at all,
and my fingers were freezing in spite of the bulky mittens and I frantically kept rubbing them together inside the mittens - hoping to get home before frostbite set in.
Made it home finally with all digits intact, but with slightly bruised ego.
Unhappy that there are SOME conditions I don't want to repeat....

Ride Started: 2:19 PM           Ride Ended:  2:39 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.5  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.4
Lowest Temp: 22 F Highest Temp: 30 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  170   Ending BG: 125
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.32
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.8 MPH                             5.2 MPH            9.6 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  21 minutes                     15  minutes         5 minutes

1 comment:

  1. My gosh as cold as here in Northcentral WI!
