Friday, July 27, 2012

20-Miler to ABQ. Hot Weather

Good Radio Tracking Except Tijeras Canyon
We got a call from our favorite  One Stop Office Store yesterday evening that we had 2 parcels there to pick up.  We use these wonderful folks for a delivery address since UPS and Fedex both have trouble making accurate and timely deliveries to our house, being off the beaten path and all.  By using One Stop we can go pick up our packages without looking for them off the side of the road, in plastic bags scooting across the yard in the wind or not finding them at all.
Anywho.  I decided to ride the bike down there, maybe 10 miles and back, which is an enjoyable ride though I usually detour around to the east end of the county to make a longer loop ride.  Jacque announced she was going to drive into Albuquerque and ride her trike around a bit in the flatter terrain, so I decided instead of looping around the east mountains I would ride into abq again and meet her and ride with her a bit too.
For those few unaware, prairie dogs seem to enjoy some kind of protection in Albuquerque.  Some few years ago a local entrepreneur created a local stir by coming up with a very effective way of dealing with the rodents:  He used a propane tank to fill their tunnels with gas and then set the gas off with a small explosive, very effectively wiping out large networks of the burrowing disasters.  Since then, it seems imprudent to mention killing them.  Entire fields are infested with them and they undermine all sorts of business areas, especially along east Albuquuerque along I-40 and Central.  My handlebar-cam caught a few flashes of a couple that dashed in front of me on the bike trail.  They zoom across the paved trail and dive into the 4" drainage holes in the concrete wall shoring up I-40 a few feet above: (You have to look closely to spot them)

At Los Altos, I caught up with Jacque and Tink:
After meeting Jacque, we  had a nice pick-a-nick lunch at one of Albuquerque's parks along the bike trail just east of Eubank and just north of Indian School.  Then we rode more eastward, uphill with the intention of making it all the way to Tramway before turning around.
The heat got to us a bit so we turned around short of our goal.
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.9   --    Ending Voltage: 12.7
Lowest Temp:   73 F                 Highest Temp:  84 degrees F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:     25.14
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
06.1 MPH                                10.2 MPH                   38.8 MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
4 hours 6 mins                       2 hours 28 mins          1 hour 38 mins

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