Monday, February 24, 2020

Lousy Weather but Great Ride

Today's Overcast Traveling

I've been getting in my trike miles every other day or so, with the previous one occurring on Saturday.
Yesterday, Sunday, was actually and unusually quite sunny but I loafed too late into the afternoon.  Not liking darkness riding, I missed out.
Today dawned wet and miserable, with the wet basement's sump pump chugging on and off all day.
It looked like soup in the sky was going to last the whole  of the day.

I was a bit stunned when around noonish the SUN came out, and big patches of clear blue sky were apparent.  It lasted perhaps 20 minutes before it again clouded over.  Several more bouts of short bliss occurred without the chance of pedal-exercise.  Later in the afternoon the sun peeked out again and I wanted to chance a ride but decided to pray first to see if I could be warned about the spotty weather.
As I stepped outside, I was hit in the face with sudden rain.  Talk about fast answers to prayer.
Maybe a half hour later the sun had come out again and the blue spots in the sky looked great.
Even Jacque encouraged me to get going quick before I lost my window.
Unfortunately, by the time I got the trike out and saddled up, the sun had again faded.  I looked around at the darkened - again skies and didn't see any actual rain or mist landing on anything.
If triking didn't have such a good effect on my health, I would be less aggressive about riding in doubtful weather.  When I do a single ride once - in - a - while, my blood sugar drops for about 24 hours afterwards and I have to pump less insulin to keep it down.  I sleep better and feel better.  If another day or so fades away without riding, the good effects also fade.  Lately, the closer I get to riding almost every day, the good effects last longer.
SO, thus motivated, I took off in spite of the lack of sunshine. 

The roads were entirely wet, and running and standing water was plentiful, but I didn't get wet.  No raindrops hit me, miracle of miracles.  I have plastic fenders on all three wheels and today I really appreciated them. 
Only one thing occasionally bothered me:  The tendency of so many to drive their high powered cars in such shady conditions without any lights on.  I had both my red blinky tail light and my brightest setting on my headlight turned on, but at least half the cars I encountered had no lights on.  None came close to threatening me, but as I said, it bothers me.  But that's just me.
I did my usual predictable route, hoping to find a familiar short-cut back to the house if it started to rain.  The temperature was not that cool, 50 to 53 degrees, and I didn't have to wear any cold weather gear at all.  The coolness of the ride was just warm enough to seemingly enervate me sufficient to pedal a little faster here and there, when no standing water was in the way.
Of course I got several funny looks, but I get those regardless of the weather...

Ride Started:   4:32 PM      Ride Ended:  5:20 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  14.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0   Lowest Voltage:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  115      Ending BG: 81 
Lowest Temp:  50 F    Highest Temp:    53 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:   6.39
Distance Walked: .6 mile (Dogs!)
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
MPH                             8.3 MPH               23.2 MPH 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped  Time
 48 minutes
                         46 minutes            2 minutes

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