Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Cloudy Day but Who Cares?

Today's Almost-Predictable Route

You'd think it would get tedious riding around mostly now-familiar territory with little new to see or explore.... BUT it doesn't seem to.
Jacque suggested me taking a ride today, earlier than I normally do, and I should have saddled up when she first suggested it.  A couple of hours later I DID get off my easy chair and rode, thankfully.
The Sun showed its face precious few times today.  We've had a forecast of clouds and rain and mist that has largely been fulfilled, but today it was mostly just dark with threatening clouds that never, as far as I know, produced any rain.
Not that we NEED more rain.  We have a couple of huge piles of slash and small limbs that need hauling away or burning, and Yesterday I actually called the Fire Department and got permission, easily, to light my fire.
The Fire Official likely laughed to himself as he hung up.  I threw a couple of cupfuls of gasoline on the pile, on the downwind side so the slight breeze would hopefully blow the flames farther into the brush pile, and lit the gas with just one try.  It WHOOSHED into flame and after a few seconds  the gasoline evidently burned itself out because all trace of flame and smoke disappeared.  I tried a couple more cups of gas and flame, to comparable result.  THEN I got some corrugated cardboard out of the garage - soaked THOSE in gasoline - and stuffed them into the midst of the pile and tried again.
This combination burned for several minutes instead of seconds, but the brush itself refused to ignite, and after a couple more tries I gave up on the project.  The brush is several weeks old, and in New Mexico they would have burned in glory, but here they have been waterlogged with repeated rain, mist, and fog.  I'll either have to wait for a couple weeks of dry weather and sunshine
(In MISSOURI?)  or load the stuff into my trailer and haul it to the town dump and pay to drop it off.
I suspect it will be worth it to haul it off... BAH.

Back to today.  I decided to get something useful done as well as the fun of riding the trike, so I hitched up the B.O.B. bike trailer and cleaned the pile of cardboard off the floor of the garage so as to haul it to our local recyclers.  That didn't take long, as the recycler is only a few blocks away.  Then I rode the rest of the way around the perimeter of town pulling the now empty trailer.
I was again struck how much simply just casually riding around improves my mood and general outlook on life.  Something about cycling that improves my mood as well as speed from just walking around....
Then just before arriving home I stopped at our local CHC hardware store and purchased a gallon jug of bar oil for the Stihl chain saw.   Been using quite a bit of that lately trying to cut the huge trees cut away from threatening the house down into firewood lengths.
Riding also always does wonders for my blood glucose readings.  Instead of having to pump extra insulin to stay afloat, I have to cut BACK on insulin for the rest of the evening to avoid hypoglycemia (LOW blood sugar for you non-diabetics).

Ride Started:   2:44 PM      Ride Ended:  4:14 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.3  Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0   Lowest Voltage:  12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 128   Ending BG: 76 
Lowest Temp:  67 F    Highest Temp:    77 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:   5.87
Distance Walked: .9 mile (Dog Potty Trips)
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
MPH                              6.7 MPH               20.3 MPH 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped  Time
  1 hour 31 mins
                    53 minutes           39 minutes

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