Monday, December 14, 2020

Grandpa Rides Again

 Today's Roundabout Route Tracking 

After my bizarre low blood-sugar meltdown episode last Wednesday, I was more than a little apprehensive about taking off on another ride - for any distance, that is.

For one thing, my strainings and struggles while blacking out had damaged several parts of the Catrike.  It had been loaded up into the back of our SUV by some helpful bystanders while I was bei9ng treated inside the ambulance.
They may have done some of the damage but I suspect it was mostly my own doing.
The left front fender was detached.  The plastic visor on the helmet was loose on one side.  The electronics pedestal was bent at an odd angle and almost broken.  The left hand rear view mirror was loose and wouldn't stay in position.  The chain was off the sprocket. 
Should I go on?  I can't quite think of all the various things that had to be fixed before I could even ride off again.
SO that took a couple hours.  I had a fair size list of items to purchase, thus good excuses for taking a ride, so that was an additional motivation.
Finally the beast was ready for at least a test ride.  I had a bunch of flattened cardboard boxes to take to the recycler, after which I planned on towing the B.O.B. trailer to the north end of town to our favorite local Big Box Store (initials WM) and load it up with my desired purchases.
Thankfully the recycler is only a few blocks from our house, because when I got there it was obvious they were no longer accepting cardboard.  So I had to turn around and take the unwanted cardboard back home.  Until I find another cardboard recycle joint, I can burn the stuff in my garage's wood heater.
After tightening the mirror mount and replacing a broken bungee cord on the instrument pedestal, I again embarked.
Still a tad nervous from the abortive ride Wednesday night, I again found pleasure in pedaling under my own power.
It was COLD today.  We had our first snow last night, though little was left today, but I did NOT get overheated like I usually do.
My blood glucose THIS time had been  195 when I started riding, and had actually RISEN a few points after this short ride back and forth, and I worried that my insulin pump infusion set might not be working.  Deciding to try riding again in hopes of burning some of it off, I rode to the other end of town.
The farther I rode the more my enjoyment and confidence returned.  Not wanting to suffer another low blood glucose (BG) attack, I paid close attention to my sensations as I rode.  I usually start to get confused when BG drops, but I didn't notice anything this time and I arrived safely at the store.
After loading my purchases on the B.O.B. trailer and tying them down with bungees, I tested my BG again before riding back home. 
It was MUCH improved:  114
My current doctor recommendations are that my BG should range from a about 80 to 120, so I was within "recommendations".
I ate a single cookie for a precautionary measure and turned toward home.
Unlike my usual habit, I didn't ride the furthest streets to add more mileage today.
Mission Accomplished.  I am back, although with a large measure of caution to avoid problems.

Ride Started: 1:07 PM           Ride Ended: 3:38 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5 Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 38 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 195    Ending BG: 114
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.95
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 2.8 MPH                              6.0 MPH            18.9 MPH
Total Trip Time                    Moving Time      Stopped Time
 2 hrs 27  minutes               1 hour 9 mins      1 hour 18 mins

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