Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winter's Back, in Spite of my Lack of Interest

Another cold breezy Ride-Track
Mercy. The outside temperature was 20 degrees F when I woke up this morning.  It was several degrees warmer than that when I got to Albuquerque and out of the warm car and onto the bike, but it was still COLD.
Pre-Ride BG: 116 BG when arrived at Work: 50

Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.5 Ending Voltage: 12.5 (Gel Cell battery pack, not charged last night)
Beginning Temperature: 41 F (in ABQ) Ending Temperature: 51 F
Morning Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.44
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
9.7 Mph 11.1 mph 21.8 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
45 mins 59 secs 40 mins 9 secs 05 mins 50 secs


  1. I do a multi-modal commute as well - although I have an upright folding bike instead of a recumbant. As the weather gets worse, it is sometimes tempting to forgo the cycling portion of my commute - until I remember how hard it is to park downtown. Do you have a truck? Or how do you fit the recumbant in your car?

  2. I have a home made bike rack on the back bumper of my commuter car. It's composed of parts from one of those nasty strap-on bike racks you see everywhere. I drilled holes through my plastic bumper and fiberglass rear panels just below the trunk lid and with some metal conduit made a permanent bike rack that can hold 2 bikes but I normally carry only one there. It goes with me everywhere (and suffers the sun and weather exposure) but since I ride almost every day it pays off for me and I consider it a "spare ride" in case of car trouble, hee.
