Friday, May 10, 2019

Thank Goodness It's Friday

Today's Tracking via Ham Radio and APRS/GPS

After a few hours of stripping and sanding cabinet doors, my lover Jacque kindly allowed me to take a break by riding my Trike somewhere around town.  Dear Readers, you already realize that such rides exhaust me but elevate my mood something fabulous.
Today was no exception, despite the lower miles accomplished that I'm accustomed to.
Part of today's ride I'd done before:  Clouse Road out to the airport, but this time I turned right at the airport and rode back north toward Business Route 60.  this stretch of the road was nothing to brag about, with no shoulders and lots of damage and pot-holes.  Since I go so slow it didn't slow me down that much, and what little traffic I encountered was invariably polite and gave me lots of room, sometimes hanging back several hundred feet even when there was no oncoming traffic to worry about in passing me.
My aging feet got tired and sore during this ride, as usual, but unusually less so.  I only stopped twice to rest the footsies, and one of these stops was to check my blood sugar.
Today started out very cool (45 degrees outside) and cloudy.  Jacque and I spent at least a couple hours burning & scraping several layers of paint off our aged kitchen cabinet doors.

By early afternoon the weather had mostly cleared with nice sunshine and a few spotty clouds.
Having missed a few days of riding, both from drizzly weather and laziness, I was anxious to take advantage of this lovely, though cool, afternoon.

We find we may well be the only recumbent trike owners/riders in Mountain Grove.  Almosyt every time we ride someone stops or approaches us and tells us they've never seen anything like it.
I had my GoPro video cam running today but had shut it off when, just before getting to the airport, I noticed a red car stopped about a quarter mile ahead of me and seemingly waiting for me to pass.  As I approached, I saw the window down and a lady hanging out of the car taping a video of me, as usual exclaiming her surprise at such a contraption.  Only after passing her did I realize my own camera was not on - thus missing the opportunity to return the favor by posting a video of HER.  Ah Well.
Quite an enjoyable outing this time - though a bit cool.  Funny to have cold weather so close to the middle of May in Missouri.  Back in NM it snowed last night, which is not unusual for that country.
Evidently weird weather occurs everywhere, and we are very thankful that all the recent flooding has not affected us.  We are that thankful that there are no major rivers to overflow near us, though there sre all kinds of small creeks here and there.

Ride Started:  3:16 PM        Ride Ended:  4:18 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.8  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8 Lowest Voltage:  12.7
Beginning Blood Glucose:  215     Ending BG: 131
Lowest Temp:  57 F    Highest Temp:  71 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  5.86

Distance Walked: 1/4 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   5.6   MPH                           6.6  MPH            23.6 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
1 hour 2 mins                        53
 minutes            9 minutes

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