Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Highway Cleanup

Today's Plotted Route

Today was a great day, and I was able to get a bit of work done as well as a nice ride.
I added a couple coats of paint to another kitchen cabinet door, and hopefully can eventually get them ALL done before I turn into a hopeless cripple.
The day started out with fairly normal fog and dim sunlight but the clouds burned away and the temperature climbed and it actually hit the low 70's after noon, with little wind or humidity to lessen the enjoyment.
I finally got going on the trike later in the day, and I needed no windbreaker whatsoever.  Great Stuff.
I didn't ride any new areas this time, but added some other roads that I normally don't visit very often and racked up a welcome few more miles.
After a short stop and visit with dear friends on Bell Crossing Road, I rode north and west to the intersection of the Whetstone frontage road and Highway 60, turning east and riding the nice wide shoulder back to the center exit for Mountain Grove.
I rode this route a few days ago and noticed all the truck tire carcasses and scrap on the shoulder, but it seemed today there was a huge increase in the stuff, often blocking my passage without running over it, exposing my precious tires to the steel wires in all the radial scraps, which are infamous for causing slow leaks or outright flats in bicycle tires.  So I decided to slow down and even stop occasionally to grab the garbage pieces and heave them off the paved shoulder and into the weeds.
This quickly led to time-consuming activity since there were  so many pieces for more than a mile.  I actually had to stop and dismount a few times to heave the larger carcasses off the roadway.

I finally got enough cleared that I rode most of the rest of the way with a clear conscience, even though it wasn't I who had put all that stuff there in the first place.
Received a few friendly beep-beeps and several waves along the way, with no hostility from any drivers noticed.  Great Stuff.

Ride Started:   3:50 PM      Ride Ended:  5:52 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  12.9  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9   Lowest Voltage:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:   130     Ending BG: 61
Lowest Temp:  53 F    Highest Temp:    64 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:   12.4
Distance Walked: .6 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
MPH                             8.1 MPH               24.6 MPH 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped  Time
 2 hours 2 mins
                   1 hour 30 mins       32 minutes

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