Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Maybe Spring's Coming?

Today's Tracking via Ham Radio and GPS

We were shocked and saddened to hear about the awful storms and tornadoes destroying so much of Nashville last night.  I lived in Clarksville TN, north of Nashville, when I was assigned to the 101st Airborne as part of the 332nd Maintenance Detachment prior to being shipped to VietNam in 1969 and never experienced such havoc, thankfully.
We had a noisy downpour a couple nights ago that involved at least an hour of roaring thunder and lightning crashes, and we feared our local tornado warnings would go off, but it didn't happen.  The electric power stayed on as well, in spite of the tremendous soaking and shaking.
Compared to the disaster in Tennessee, we got off very light.
It was cloudy last night and a bit foggy this morning but by the time the sun came up and we started home from teaching Seminary, the skies were quite bright and warm.  Evidently it actually made it to 60 degrees today, with a low of 39 last night.  As the day wore on, Jacque encouraged me several times to get the trike out and go for a ride.
I was trying to finish installing a huge light fixture over the dining table, and it of course dragged out much longer than desired, with me finally getting saddled up about 4:11 PM or so.
This seems to be very close to my usual departure time, in spite of encouragement from Jacque to get going earlier.  I always seem to try to get something else "done" to a certain point, resulting in close - to - sundown riding.
Thankfully the days are gradually getting longer, with the sun setting a bit later each day, even though Daylight Savings Time has yet to begin.  In 5 more days, of course, we will have another hour of "afternoon sun" to enjoy, at the cost of getting up an hour earlier.
I actually got in a few extra miles today, without crowding the darkness.
Stopping for  a foot and snack break, I was pleasantly accosted by 3 separate drivers who pulled up and asked if I was OK.  The first inquiree was a nice guy in a pickup, and within a few more minutes both a city cop and a highway patrol officer also stopped and asked about my welfare.
Nice guys.  As I continued my ride down the nice wide shoulder of Route 60 back toward Mountain Grove, some wise guy in a passing pickup screamed something silly at me as they passed.
No Problem.  No law against being a wise guy.
Almost 10 miles today.  A great day, and the sun didn't try to hide while I was out and around...

Ride Started:   4:11 PM      Ride Ended:  5:23 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.7  Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0   Lowest Voltage:  13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose:  140      Ending BG: 84
Lowest Temp:  57 F    Highest Temp:    64 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:   9.27
Distance Walked: .6 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
MPH                             8.6 MPH               26.5 MPH 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped  Time
 1 hour 12 mins
                   1 hour 4 mins         8 minutes

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