Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Heater in the Morning, Air Conditioner Afternoon

Evidently the weather-babe subbing for Steve Stucker got the forecast upside down and backwards this morning...... as noted already, it was very blustery this morning when it was forecast as a calm day.
Tonight, on the ride back from work, the wind was almost dead calm.
I think I have a decent mount figured out for my dinky-doo video cam.  Instead of the floppy hinged plastic articulated bracket that came with it, I just cut a small 1" wide and 4" long piece of aluminum .060 strap and bent it to the proper angle for mounting with the radios on the handlebars, and used some velcro to increase its gripping power.   On the 7 miles back to the car I must have passed 20 cyclists and a dozen or so walkers.  Warm weather REALLY brings out the cyclists... of course $3.50 gasoline has nothing to do with it.
I'll include some pictures of the new cam mount and an edited video of all the cyclists I passed (and who passed ME going the same way lickety-split) soon.

Starting BG:  176       Beddy Time BG:  142 (after Jacque's delicious meal)
Evening Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.51
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
09.7  Mph                          11.9 mph             21.8 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
46:32 mins                          37:51 mins            08:41 mins  

Our big rescued racer Greyhound named Radar woke us up about 3:00 AM this morning.  He's a big wuss with all kinds of personality issues though he's a great friendly bugger who wishes he was a fuzzy lap dog who could get up in your lap but his physique kinda works against that.  The last couple of weeks he has taken to going outside in the wee hours thru his doggy door and then, when he wants back inside, he stands outside the door and 'woofs' until Jacque wakes up and comes out to coach him back through the doggy door.  He's old and tender and achey and he evidently doesn't like pushing the doggy door flap with his long nose, but if you wake up and go out to the door and tell him "OK, come on inside", he'll push the doggy door open and come on in.  He obviously wants some attention and hopes we will open the door royally for him.... I think he's watched the cat too much.  Calamity the Cat much prefers someone to open the door for her, and will wait extended periods of time sitting by the door waiting for someone to open it so she can scoot inside (or out).  She will eventually go through the doggy door herself if no human servant comes along for her royal highness.  Thankfully she doesn't meow or screech to beg us, her royal slaves, to come let her in or out, but that attitude seems to have been adopted by Radar, and then only in the middle of the night when we're deeply asleep.  I tend to ignore him, knowing if he gets cold or lonely enough, he'll eventually give up and come on inside (I've actually lubricated the bottom flap of the door with graphite and realigned it so it will open easier, to little avail).  Jacque, being of the tender heart variety, will usually awaken with a start after he woofs (He will eventually BARK! if no one responds to the first few "woofs"), and go out to the door and encourage him to come on inside.  This morning he woke her up, she talked him inside, and after she came back to bed, he went right back OUTside and within 5 or 10 minutes was "woofing" for more motherly attention.  This got Jacque's goat this time, and she chewed him out royally and gave him a right smart smack across his head and told him this was not acceptable behavior.  My alarm goes off at 4:30, and we had another hour to snooze by this time, but neither of us could get back to sleep.  We decided to give up and get outa bed:  Jacque decided to use the early morning wake-up to attend the Seminary classes she's assigned to supervise, and I got to work - after riding the bike in the dark and watching the sun come up just as I arrived at work - by 7:30 AM, which means I can get off at a decent hour this afternoon.  How SWEET.
The weather guesser, as usual, was a bit lacking in accuracy this morning.  "Warmest day of the Week today, and NO WIND!"  ....  WRONG.  As I drove through Tijeras Canyon the wind was whipping the car back and forth quite vigorously, and as I got on the bike and rode my last 7.43 miles to work, the breeze turned into a bit of a stiff head wind.  Not terribly so, but certainly blowing the "NO WIND TODAY!" forecast to blithereens.  And, unlike yesterday, I found my mittens and 2 layers of light jacket and windbreaker and fleece skull-cap under the helmet to be quite comfy.  I guess the earlier hour and the sun not being up yet to keep me warm had something to do with it.
Starting BG:  199      Post-Ride BG:   78
Morning Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.45
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
08.8  Mph                          10.8 mph             20.0 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
50:40 mins                          41:28 mins            09:12 mins

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