Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The OUCH is from me biting my fork while eating my dinner salad last night.  Chipped all 4 front teeth.  Only slightly, but what a dunderhead.  Here I am approaching 70 at warp-speed and I can't exercise my brain enough to be more careful when I eat.  BAH
So, I got an early 7:30 AM dental evaluation this morning and was then about 9:30 getting to work afterwards.
It was so warm and pretty by then, when I parked the car and unloaded the bike, that I almost took off in mere shirt-sleeves.  Good thing I didn't.  I decided to at least wear the windbreaker, with sleeves left zipped on, and I was a bit cold even then after I got underway.  A wee bit of a cool headwind kept me cooled down almost all the way to work.  The wind was supposed to get up to a mere 20-30 MPH this afternoon but after the last couple of windy weeks, who cares about mere breezes?  Howsomever, it has clouded up a bit.  As dry as it's been I will gladly accept getting soaked on the ride back to the car as a fitting price for receiving life sustaining rain.
Awakening BG:  170  Post-Ride BG:  116
Morning Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.43
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
10.4  Mph                          11.3 mph             23.6 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
43:04 mins                          39:32 mins            03:32 mins

Vastly increasing foot and bike traffic on the trails this evening .  Caught video on most of them; the best was of a younger couple whizzing past me with the girl's  half-bare hinie showing..... [sigh].  You shouldn't wear low slung jeans hunched over your bike seat.  I thought about posting the flashy video but decided against it.
Naked roadrunner birds, OK.  Pink flashes of hind ends, male or female..... NAH
Starting BG:  195      Back-At-home arrival BG:  72
Afternoon Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.47
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
09.3  Mph                          10.6 mph             19.8 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
48:15 mins                         42:15 mins            05:59 mins
...Looking at these lower speeds reminds me of the moderate head-wind tonight.  Not too bothersome but it did indeedy slow me down.

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