Monday, April 18, 2011

{Sigh} Warm Monday

It was great to be back on the bike again this morning.  It was 71 degrees inside the house when I woke up this morning so I didn't have to spend time building a fire in the wood stove, which got me out the door a bit earlier.
By the time I got to Albuquerque and unracking the bike for the morning commute, it was so warm I didn't even layer up with a windbreaker.  Just put on the light duty da-glow green reflective vest, normal summertime biking gloves, and off I went.  The forecast is for 20-30 MPH winds with gusts up to 40 MPH but this morning the only breeze was at my back.  I felt a little face-breeze which meant I was cruising slightly faster than the prevailing breeze so it was enough to keep me from getting overheated.  This afternoon it could well be howling, but we'll see.
I had to readjust the alignment of my temporary rear wheel again, and in doing so I realized my rear axle on this wheel is a bit short for a secure feeling when I tighten the axle nut on the side with the cassette and chain and gears:  It only allows about 3 or 4 threads or less than half the depth of the nut.  Must be good steel, since it didn't strip when I tightened it down.  I ordered a complete set of new spokes (Ebay: ) for the broke-spoke wheel yesterday and hopefully they will be here within a week.  Then I can get the straighter wheel back on the road again.
Awakening BG:  219  Post-Ride BG:  94
Morning Stats from the GPS:                 Total Miles:  7.40
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
10.0  Mph                          12.3 mph             22.6 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
44:23 mins                          36:05 mins            08:18 mins

The evening ride back to the car was, well, quite breezy.  Thankfully it turned into a slanted cross wind that almost acted like a tailwind, and was not hammering me head-on.
Now, at almost 10 PM and beddy time, the wind is HOWLING outside, and I just got in from weighing down some loose metal roofing that I'm trying to save for a garage or woodshed construction project.  The wind had overturned the pieces, and knocked the auto wheels and tires on top of them right off.  Hopefully they will not fly away or slice anything in their path tonight.
Starting BG:  158      Back-At-home arrival BG:  unk
Afternoon Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.42
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
08.5  Mph                          10.0 mph             19.7 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
52:08 mins                         44:41 mins            07:26 mins 

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